Package unifeat.util

Class CriticalValue


public class CriticalValue extends Object
This java class is used to display various critical values of the table. The critical values are provided for the 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10 significant levels.

The critical values are provided for F(df1, df2), where the values of df1 is in the interval [1,20] and the values of df2 is in the interval [1,100].

Sina Tabakhi
  • Constructor Details

    • CriticalValue

      public CriticalValue()
  • Method Details

    • FDistributionValue

      public static double FDistributionValue(int df1, int df2, double sigValue)
      This method return the critical value of the table according to the df1 and df2 degrees of freedom for the significant level sigValues.
      df1 - the first degree of freedom
      df2 - the second degree of freedom
      sigValue - the significant level values
      the critical value of the table