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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


AboutPanel - Class in
This java class is used to create and show a panel for description of the tool.
AboutPanel() - Constructor for class
Creates new form AboutPanel.
accuracy - Variable in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel.EventHandler
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
The listener method for receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
The listener method for receiving action events.
addComponents(TreeType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method adds components to the main panel based on type of the tree
addFeature(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method adds a specific feature to the current selected feature subset by the ant.
addTextToPanel() - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates the given text for showing in the results panel.
The text is about some information of the dataset.
addTextToPanel(double[][], String) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates the given text for showing in the results panel.
The text is about the classification accuracy and execution time in each iteration.
addTextToPanel(double[][], String, boolean) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates the given text for showing in the results panel.
The text is about the average classification accuracies and average execution times in all iteration.
addTextToPanel(double[], String) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates the given text for showing in the results panel.
The text is about the relevance values of features computed by given feature selection method.
addTextToPanel(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates the given text for showing in the results panel.
The text is about the subset of selected features.
addTextToPanel(String[][], String) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates the given text for showing in the results panel.
The text is about the final subsets of selected features.
allData - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
allNameFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
ALPHA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
ALPHA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
ALPHA - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
ALPHA - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
analyse - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
Ant - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO
This java class is used to represent an ant in optimal ant colony optimization (Optimal ACO) method.
Ant() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Ant
Initializes the parameters
antPerformValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
antSubsetSelected - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
antSubsetSelected - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
antSubsetSelected - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
ArraysFunc - Class in unifeat.util
This java class is used to implement various utility methods for manipulating arrays and matrices.
ArraysFunc() - Constructor for class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
Returns the names of classifiers
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
Returns the names of embedded-based feature selection methods
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.NonWeightedFilterType
Returns the names of filter-based feature selection methods that are not feature weighting
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SupervisedFilterType
Returns the names of supervised filter-based feature selection methods
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UnsupervisedFilterType
Returns the names of unsupervised filter-based feature selection methods
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.WeightedFilterType
Returns the names of weighted filter-based feature selection methods
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridType
Returns the names of hybrid-based feature selection methods
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
Returns the names of wrapper-based feature selection methods
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
Returns the names of kernel
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
Returns the names of different tree
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.MultivariateMethodType
Returns the names of multivariate method
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
Returns the names of different crossover
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
Returns the names of different mutation
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
Returns the names of different replacement
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
Returns the names of different selection
asList() - Static method in class
Returns the names of select mode
asList() - Static method in class unifeat.result.ResultType
Returns the names of result
AVERAGE - Static variable in class
averageValues - Variable in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
axisValues - Variable in class


BasicACO<ColonyType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all ACO-based feature selection methods.
BasicACO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicACO
Initializes the parameters
BasicACOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the basic ant colony optimization (BasicACO) method.
BasicACOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
Creates new form BasicACOPanel.
BasicAnt - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all ACO-based feature selection methods.
BasicAnt() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
Initializes the parameters
BasicColony<AntType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all ACO-based feature selection methods.
BasicColony(Class<AntType>) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
Initializes the parameters
BasicGA<PopulationType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all GA-based feature selection methods.
BasicGA(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicGA
Initializes the parameters
BasicGAPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the basic genetic algorithm (BasicGA) method.
BasicGAPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
Creates new form BasicGAPanel.
BasicGraphRepresentation - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used to represent discrete search space as a graph in ACO algorithm.
BasicGraphRepresentation(int, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicGraphRepresentation
Initializes the parameters
BasicIndividual<GeneType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all GA-based feature selection methods.
BasicIndividual(Class<GeneType>, Integer) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
Initializes the parameters
BasicParticle<PosType,VelType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all PSO-based feature selection methods.
BasicParticle(Class<PosType>, Class<VelType>, Integer) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
Initializes the parameters
BasicPopulation<IndividualType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all GA-based feature selection methods.
BasicPopulation(Class<IndividualType>) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
Initializes the parameters
BasicPSO<SwarmType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all PSO-based feature selection methods.
BasicPSO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicPSO
Initializes the parameters
BasicPSOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the basic particle swarm optimization (BasicPSO) method.
BasicPSOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
Creates new form BasicPSOPanel.
BasicSwarm<PosType,ParType> - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all PSO-based feature selection methods.
BasicSwarm(Class<PosType>, Class<ParType>) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
Initializes the parameters
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
BETA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
BETA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
BETA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
BETA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
BETA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
BETA - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
bg_dataset - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
bg_mode - Variable in class
BITWISE_MUTATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
bitwiseMutation(boolean[], double) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.MutationOperator
Mutates new offsprings by changing the value of some genes in them using bitwise mutation
bitwiseMutation(Boolean[], double) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.MutationOperator
Mutates new offsprings by changing the value of some genes in them using bitwise mutation
BPSO - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class.
BPSO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
BPSO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.BPSO
Initializes the parameters
bpsoFeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
BPSOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) method.
BPSOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BPSOPanel
Creates new form BPSOPanel.
btn_browse - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
btn_browseActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
This method sets an action for the btn_browse button.
btn_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
btn_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
btn_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
btn_classLabel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_classLabelActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_classLabel button.
btn_classlbl - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_classlblActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_classlbl button.
btn_close - Variable in class
btn_closeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the btn_close button.
btn_exit - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_exit - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
btn_exitActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_exit button.
btn_exitActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_exit button.
btn_inputdst - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_inputdstActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_inputdst button.
btn_more - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
btn_moreActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_more button.
btn_moreOpClassifier - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_moreOpClassifierActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpClassifier button.
btn_moreOpClassifierActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpClassifier button.
btn_moreOpClassifierActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpClassifier button.
btn_moreOpClassifierActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpClassifier button.
btn_moreOpEmbedded - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_moreOpEmbeddedActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpEmbedded button.
btn_moreOpFilter - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_moreOpFilterActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpFilter button.
btn_moreOpHybrid - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_moreOpHybridActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpHybrid button.
btn_moreOpWrapper - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_moreOpWrapperActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_moreOpWrapper button.
btn_ok - Variable in class
btn_ok - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
btn_open - Variable in class
btn_openActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the btn_open button.
btn_performTest - Variable in class
btn_performTestActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the btn_performTest button.
btn_save - Variable in class
btn_saveActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the btn_save button.
btn_saveRes - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
btn_saveResActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_saveRes button.
btn_select - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
btn_selectActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
This method sets an action for the btn_select button.
btn_selectFile - Variable in class
btn_selectFileActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the btn_selectFile button.
btn_showDir - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
btn_showDirActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_showDir button.
btn_showFeat - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
btn_showFeatActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_showFeat button.
btn_start - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_startActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_start button.
btn_testSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_testSetActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_testSet button.
btn_trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
btn_trainSetActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the btn_trainSet button.
btnGroup - Variable in class
buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
Generates a classifier using input data
buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
Generates a classifier using input data
buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.TreeBasedMethods
Generates a classifier using input data
buildSVM_KFoldCrossValidation(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
Generates binary classifiers (SVM by applying k-fold cross validation resampling strategy) using input data and based on selected feature subset.
buildSVM_OneAgainstOne(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
Generates binary classifiers (SVM) using input data and based on selected feature subset, and finally returns the weights of features.
buildSVM_OneAgainstRest(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
Generates binary classifiers (SVM) using input data and based on selected feature subset, and finally returns the weights of features.


c1 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
C1 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
c2 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
C2 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
C45 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
C45_MORE_BUTTON_POSITION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
C45_MORE_OPTION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
C45_OK_BUTTON_POSITION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
C45_PANEL_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
cb_classifier - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_classifierItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_classifier combo box.
cb_classifierItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_classifier combo box.
cb_classifierItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_classifier combo box.
cb_classifierItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_classifier combo box.
cb_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
cb_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
cb_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
cb_crossoverType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
cb_crossoverTypeItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_crossoverType combo box.
cb_embedded - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_embeddedItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_embedded combo box.
cb_hybrid - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_hybridItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_hybrid combo box.
cb_kernel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
cb_kernel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
cb_multivalMethod - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
cb_mutationType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
cb_mutationTypeItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_mutationType combo box.
cb_replacementType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
cb_replacementTypeItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_replacementType combo box.
cb_selectionType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
cb_selectionTypeItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_selectionType combo box.
cb_start - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_startItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_start combo box.
cb_supervised - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_supervisedItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_supervised combo box.
cb_treeType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
cb_unsupervised - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_unsupervisedItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_unsupervised combo box.
cb_worthOfVal - Variable in class
cb_wrapper - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
cb_wrapperItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the cb_wrapper combo box.
ch_convert - Variable in class
ch_transpose - Variable in class
changeDefaultValue(int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
Replaces the default values of basic PSO parameters with user values
changeDefaultValue(int, int, double, double, double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
Replaces the default values of basic ACO parameters with user values
changeDefaultValue(SelectionType, CrossOverType, MutationType, ReplacementType, int, int, double, double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
Replaces the default values of basic GA parameters with user values
checkClassLabels - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
checkDataSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
checkSamplesClass - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
checkTrainTestSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
ClassifierType - Class in unifeat.classifier
This java class is used to define the names of classifiers.
ClassifierType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
Creates new ClassifierType.
ClassifierType(String, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
Creates new ClassifierType.
classLabel - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
classLabel - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
classLabel - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
Classlabel - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
classLabelInTrainSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
colony - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicACO
colony - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
Colony - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO
This java class is used to implement a colony of ants in optimal ant colony optimization (Optimal ACO) method in which the type of ant is extended from Ant class.
Colony(double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
Initializes the parameters
COLONY_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
colonySize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
COLOR_SET - Variable in class
columnModel - Variable in class
commonAsList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
Returns the common names of different crossover
commonAsList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
Returns the common names of different mutation
commonAsList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
Returns the common names of different replacement
commonAsList() - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
Returns the common names of different selection
computeAverageArray(double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Calculates the average values of all columns
computeAverageValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Computes the average values of all criteria over number of runs
computeAverageValuesOfPerformanceMeasures() - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
Computes the average values of all criteria over number of runs
computeCorrelation() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method computes the correlation of each feature to other features.
computeCorrelation() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method computes the correlation of each feature to other features.
computeDifferentValue(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Saves the different values of each feature
computeEntropy(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.InformationGain
Computes the entropy of the data given by start and end indices
computeEntropy(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SymmetricalUncertainty
Computes the entropy of the data given by start and end indices
computeErrorRate(double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Calculates the error rate values based on the array of accuracies
computeGini(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GiniIndex
Computes the gini value of the data given by start and end indices
computeJointProb(int, int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Computes the joint probabilities values between two features
computeMAD(int, double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFS
Computes the mean absolute difference(MAD) values of the features
computeMean(double[][], int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the mean value of the data corresponding to a given column (column index)
computeMutualCorrelation(int, int, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Computes the mutual correlation value between each pairs of features
computeMutualInfo(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Computes the mutual information values between two features
computeNumValue(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Computes the number of different values of each feature
computePearsonCorCoef(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the correlation value between two features using Pearson correlation coefficient
computePerformanceMeasures(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
Computes the performance measures based on given classifier
computeProbFeat(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Computes the probabilities values of each feature
computeRelevance() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Computes the relevance of each feature using the normalized term variance (the relevance values normalized by softmax scaling function)
computeRelevance() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Computes the relevance of each feature using the normalized term variance (the relevance values normalized by softmax scaling function)
computeRelevance() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Computes the relevance of each feature using the normalized term variance (the relevance values normalized by softmax scaling function)
computeRelevance() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Computes the relevance of each feature using the normalized term variance (the relevance values normalized by softmax scaling function)
computeRelevance() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Computes the relevance of each feature using the normalized term variance (the relevance values normalized by softmax scaling function)
computeSimilarity(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the similarity value between two features using cosine similarity
computeStandardDeviation(double[][], double, int, double) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the standard deviation value of the data corresponding to a given column (column index) based on a specific denominator value
computeVariance(double[][], double, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the variance value of the data corresponding to a given column (column index)
computeVariance(double[][], double, int, double) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the variance value of the data corresponding to a given column (column index) based on a specific denominator value
confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
confidenceValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
CONSTANT_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
CONSTANT_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
constantSubsetSize - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
constantSubsetSize - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
constParam - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
constParam - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
constructDiagonalMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Constructs the diagonal matrix (D) based on the weight matrix
constructDiagonalMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Constructs the diagonal matrix (D) based on the weight matrix
constructNeighborGraph() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Constructs nearest neighbor graph (G) of the data space
constructNeighborGraph() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Constructs nearest neighbor graph (G) of the data space
constructSolution() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method constructs solutions completely of each ant in the colony by applying state transition rule repeatedly.
constructSolution() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method constructs solutions completely of each ant in the colony by applying state transition rule repeatedly.
constructWeightMatrix(boolean[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Constructs weight matrix(S) which models the local structure of the data space
constructWeightMatrix(boolean[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Constructs weight matrix(S) which models the local structure of the data space
convertArrayListToInt(ArrayList<Integer>) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Converts the ArrayList type to an array of integer values
convertCSVtoARFF(String, String, String, int, int, String[], int, String[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.FileFunc
This method converts CSV file to ARFF file for the Weka Software
convertCSVtoARFF(String, String, String, int, DatasetInfo) - Static method in class unifeat.util.FileFunc
This method converts CSV file to ARFF file for the Weka Software
convertStringToDouble(String[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Converts the string input to double values
copyDoubleArray2D(double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Creates a copy of the two dimensional array
copyDoubleArray2D(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Creates a copy of the two dimensional array by using the indices of rows
Counter() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.MainPanel.Counter
countSteps - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Ant
Counts number of successive steps that an ant is not able to decrease the classification error rate
CPSO - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class.
CPSO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
CPSO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.CPSO
Initializes the parameters
cpsoFeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
CPSOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) method.
CPSOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
Creates new form CPSOPanel.
createAndShow() - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method create and show the main panel of the project
createClassLabel() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
Creates an array of class labels available in the train set
createCSVFile(double[][], int[], String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.FileFunc
This method creates a CSV (Comma delimited) file of the input data
createDirectory(String) - Static method in class unifeat.util.FileFunc
This method creates a new directory denoted by pathname
createFeatNames(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method creates a string of the names of features in the selected feature array
createFeatureFiles() - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method creates a text file of the subsets of selected features
createNewDataset(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
Creates a new dataset based on the given indeces of the features
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicACO
This method creates the selected feature subset based on the best ant in the colony.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.OptimalACO
This method creates the selected feature subset based on the best ant in the colony.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicGA
This method creates the selected feature subset based on the fittest individual in the population.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.HGAFS
This method creates the selected feature subset based on the fittest individual in the population.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.SimpleGA
This method creates the selected feature subset based on the fittest individual in the population.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicPSO
This method creates the selected feature subset based on global best position in the swarm.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.BPSO
This method creates the selected feature subset based on global best position in the swarm.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.CPSO
This method creates the selected feature subset based on global best position in the swarm.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.HPSO_LS
This method creates the selected feature subset based on global best position in the swarm.
createSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.PSO42
This method creates the selected feature subset based on global best position in the swarm.
createTempDirectory() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
This method creates a directory based on the specific path
Criteria - Class in unifeat.result.performanceMeasure
This java class is used to set different criteria values used in the feature selection area of research.
Criteria() - Constructor for class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
Initializes the parameters
CriticalValue - Class in unifeat.util
This java class is used to display various critical values of the table.
CriticalValue() - Constructor for class unifeat.util.CriticalValue
CROSS_OVER_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
CROSSOVER_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
CrossoverOperator - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
This java class is used to implement various crossover operators for recombining the two parents to generate new offsprings
CrossoverOperator() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
crossoverRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
crossoverType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
CrossOverType - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to define the names of different implementation of crossover.
CrossOverType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
Creates new CrossOverType.
CrossOverType(String, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
Creates new CrossOverType.
crossValidation(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
This method performs k-fold cross validation on the reduced training set which is achieved by selected feature subset.
CrossValidation - Class in unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier
This java class is used to apply the classifiers for computing the performance of the feature selection methods.
CrossValidation() - Constructor for class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.CrossValidation
currentExecutionTime - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
currentFeatureValues - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
currentSelectedSubset - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
currentState - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
currentState - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
currentState - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
currentState - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
currentState - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
currentState - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO


data - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
data - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
DATASET_INFORMATION - Static variable in class unifeat.result.ResultType
DatasetInfo - Class in unifeat.dataset
This java class is used to keep the input data, split input data to test/train sets and crate CSV file format.
DatasetInfo() - Constructor for class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
DECAY_RATE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
DECAY_RATE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
DECAY_RATE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
DECAY_RATE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
DECAY_RATE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
DECAY_RATE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
DECISION_TREE_BASED - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
DecisionTreeBasedMethod - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods
This java class is used to implement the decision tree based methods.
DecisionTreeBasedMethod(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
Initializes the parameters
DecisionTreeBasedMethod(String, double, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
Initializes the parameters
DecisionTreeBasedMethod(String, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
Initializes the parameters
decisionTreeBasedMethodType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
DecisionTreeBasedPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the decision tree based method.
DecisionTreeBasedPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Creates new form DecisionTreeBasedPanel.
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_C1 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_C2 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_CLASSIFIER_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_COLONY_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_CONST_PARAM - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
DEFAULT_CROSSOVER_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_CROSSOVER_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_ELIMINATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
DEFAULT_END_POS_INTERVAL - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_EPSILON - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
DEFAULT_EPSILON - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_EV_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_INERTIA_WEIGHT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_INIT_PHEROMONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_INIT_PHEROMONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
DEFAULT_INIT_PHEROMONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_INIT_PHEROMONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_INIT_PHEROMONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
DEFAULT_K_FOLDS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_K_FOLDS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_K_FOLDS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_K_NEAREST - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
DEFAULT_KNN_VALUE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_MAX_VELOCITY - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_MIN_NUM - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
DEFAULT_MIN_NUM - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_MIN_VELOCITY - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_MU - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
DEFAULT_MULT_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
DEFAULT_MUTATION_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_MUTATION_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ANTS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ANTS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ANTS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ANTS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ANTS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ANTS - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_FOLD - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_RUN - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
DEFAULT_NUM_SELECTION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
DEFAULT_PARAMETER_C - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
DEFAULT_PARAMETER_C - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
DEFAULT_PHI - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_Q0 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_Q0 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_Q0 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
DEFAULT_Q0 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
DEFAULT_Q0 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
DEFAULT_Q0 - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
DEFAULT_RANDOM_FOREST_NUM_FEATURES - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_RANDOM_FOREST_NUM_ITERATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_RANDOM_TREE_K_VALUE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_RANDOM_TREE_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_RANDOM_TREE_MIN_NUM - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_RANDOM_TREE_MIN_VARIANCE_PROP - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_SELECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
DEFAULT_SIMILARITY - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
DEFAULT_SIZE_SUBSPACE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
DEFAULT_START_POS_INTERVAL - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
DEFAULT_THETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
DEFAULT_THETA - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
DEFAULT_TYPE_KERNEL - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
DEFAULT_TYPE_KERNEL - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
deleteDirectoryWithAllFiles(String) - Static method in class unifeat.util.FileFunc
This method deletes the current directory with all files in the directory denoted by pathname
deleteFilesInDirectory(String) - Static method in class unifeat.util.FileFunc
This method deletes all files in the directory denoted by pathname
deleteTempDirectory() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
This method deletes the current directory with all files in the directory
determineSubsetSize() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method determines the size of feature subset.
determineSubsetSize() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method determines the size of feature subset.
diagram - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
DiagramPanel - Class in
This java class is used to create and show the 2-D diagrams of the input values
DiagramPanel(double[][], int[], String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates new form DiagramPanel.
DiagramPanel.TupleValues - Class in
This java class is used to create a data structure for pair (key, val) in which key and val are Point data type.
dissimilarSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
dissimilarSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
DT - Static variable in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
DTClassifierPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.classifier
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the decision tree classifier.
DTClassifierPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
Creates new form DTClassifierPanel.
dtEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
dtEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
dtEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
dtEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
dTree(String, double, int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.CrossValidation
This method builds and evaluates the decision tree(DT) classifier.
dTree(String, String, double, int) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.TrainTestEvaluation
This method builds and evaluates the decision tree(DT) classifier.


edgeCounter - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
eh - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
elimination - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
elimination - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
EmbeddedApproach - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all embedded-based feature selection methods.
EmbeddedApproach(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
Initializes the parameters
embeddedApproachPerform(EmbeddedType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method performs the feature selection based on embedded-based approach
EmbeddedType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded
This java class is used to define the names of embedded-based feature selection methods.
EmbeddedType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
Creates new EmbeddedType.
emptyFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method clears the current selected feature subset by the ant.
enablePositionValues(boolean) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
Enables the values of text box
END_POS_INTERVAL - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
endPosInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
EnumType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all enumerable types.
EnumType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.EnumType
Initializes the parameters
EnumType(String, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.EnumType
Initializes the parameters
epsilon - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
epsilon - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
EPSILON - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
EPSILON - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
equalsKey(DiagramPanel.TupleValues) - Method in class
Determines whether or not two TupleValues are equal in their keys.
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVA_SVM_RFE
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVO_SVM_RFE
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.FisherScore
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GainRatio
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SymmetricalUncertainty
ERROR_DENOMINATOR - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
ERROR_RELEVANCE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
ERROR_RELEVANCE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
ERROR_RELEVANCE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
ERROR_RELEVANCE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
ERROR_RELEVANCE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
ERROR_SIMILARITY - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
ERROR_SIMILARITY - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
ERROR_SIMILARITY - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
ERROR_SIMILARITY - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
ERROR_SIMILARITY - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
ERROR_SIMILARITY - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
ERROR_TWO_CLASS_PROBLEM - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVA_SVM_RFE
ERROR_TWO_CLASS_PROBLEM - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVO_SVM_RFE
errorRate - Variable in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
estimateFeatureMatrix(double[][], int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Estimates each feature values
estimateFeatureMatrix(double[][], int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Estimates each feature values
evaluateCurrentSolution(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method evaluates the fitness of each ant in the colony by predefined fitness function.
evaluateCurrentSolution(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method evaluates the fitness of each ant in the colony by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
Starts the feature selection process by multiple support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination using k-fold cross validation resampling strategy (MSVM_RFE)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVA_SVM_RFE
Starts the feature selection process by support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination using One-Versus-All strategy (OVA_SVM_RFE)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVO_SVM_RFE
Starts the feature selection process by support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination using One-Versus-One strategy (OVO_SVM_RFE)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVM_RFE
Starts the feature selection process by support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination (SVM_RFE)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
Starts the feature selection process by Decision Tree based methods
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
Starts the feature selection process by Random Forest based method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
Starts the feature selection process by a given method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.FisherScore
Starts the feature selection process by Fisher score(FS) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GainRatio
Starts the feature selection process by gain ratio(GR) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GiniIndex
Starts the feature selection process by Gini index(GI) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.InformationGain
Starts the feature selection process by information gain(IG) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Starts the feature selection process by Laplacian score(LS) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Starts the feature selection process by minimal redundancy maximal relevance (mRMR) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.RRFS
Starts the feature selection process by relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SymmetricalUncertainty
Starts the feature selection process by symmetrical uncertainty(SU) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Starts the feature selection process by incremental relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (IRRFSACO_1) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Starts the feature selection process by incremental relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (IRRFSACO_2) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Starts the feature selection process by Laplacian score(LS) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Starts the feature selection process by microarray gene selection based on ant colony optimization (MGSACO) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Starts the feature selection process by mutual correlation(MC) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFS
Starts the feature selection process by relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Starts the feature selection process by relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (RRFSACO_1) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Starts the feature selection process by relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (RRFSACO_2) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
Starts the feature selection process by random subspace method(RSM)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.TermVariance
Starts the feature selection process by term variance(TV) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Starts the feature selection process by unsupervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization (UFSACO) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.OptimalACO
Starts the feature selection process by optimal ant colony optimization (Optimal ACO) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.HGAFS
Starts the feature selection process by hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection using local search (HGAFS)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.SimpleGA
Starts the feature selection process by simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.BPSO
Starts the feature selection process by binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.CPSO
Starts the feature selection process by continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) method
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.HPSO_LS
Starts the feature selection process by hybrid particle swarm optimization method using local search (HPSO-LS)
evaluateFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.PSO42
Starts the feature selection process by particle swarm optimization version 4-2(PSO(4-2)) method
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method evaluates the fitness of each individual in the population by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method evaluates the fitness of each individual in the population by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method evaluates the fitness of each individual in the population by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method evaluates the fitness of each particle in the swarm by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method evaluates the fitness of each particle in the swarm by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
This method evaluates the fitness of each particle in the swarm by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method evaluates the fitness of each particle in the swarm by predefined fitness function.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method evaluates the fitness of each particle in the swarm by predefined fitness function.
evaluateSubsets() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Evaluates the subset of selected features by using fitness function and return the index of the ant with the max performance in the current iteration
EventHandler() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.MainPanel.EventHandler
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel


f - Variable in class
f - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
FDistributionValue(int, int, double) - Static method in class unifeat.util.CriticalValue
This method return the critical value of the table according to the df1 and df2 degrees of freedom for the significant level sigValues.
featCorrelationValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
FEATURE_VALUES - Static variable in class unifeat.result.ResultType
featureCounter - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
featureCounter - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
featureCounter - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
featureCounter - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
featureCounter - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
featureScore - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
FeatureSelection - Class in unifeat.featureSelection
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all feature selection methods.
FeatureSelection() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
Initializes the parameters
featureSelectionMethodName - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
featureSubset - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
featureValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureWeighting
FeatureWeighting - Class in unifeat.featureSelection
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all feature weighting methods.
FeatureWeighting() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureWeighting
Initializes the parameters
file - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
FileFunc - Class in unifeat.util
This java class is used to implement various utility methods for manipulating files and directories.
FileFunc() - Constructor for class unifeat.util.FileFunc
fileMenu - Variable in class
fillPheromoneArray(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicGraphRepresentation
This method fills all entries of the pheromone array with a specific input value.
FilterApproach - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all filter-based feature selection methods.
FilterApproach(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterApproach
Initializes the parameters
filterApproachPerform(FilterType, boolean) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method performs the feature selection based on filter-based approach
FilterType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to define the names of filter-based feature selection methods.
FilterType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
Creates new FilterType.
finalResults - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
findBestSubset(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Finds the best subset of feature up to know
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findIndex(int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Finds index in new Data Structure(Symmetric Matrix)
findMaxValue() - Method in class
Finds the maximum value of the input array
findMaxWithIndex(double[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Finds the maximum value in the array and returns its index
findMaxWithIndex(double[], int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Finds the maximum value in the array and returns its index
findMinimumIndex(double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Finds the minimum value of the input array and returns its index
findMinimumValue(double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Finds the minimum value of the input array
findMinValue() - Method in class
Finds the minimum value of the input array
FISHER_SCORE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
FisherScore - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the Fisher score method.
FisherScore(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.FisherScore
Initializes the parameters
FisherScore(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.FisherScore
Initializes the parameters
fitness - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
fitness - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
fitness - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
FITNESS_PROPORTIONAL_SELECTION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
fitnessEvaluator - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
fitnessEvaluator - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
fitnessEvaluator - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
FitnessEvaluator - Class in unifeat.featureSelection
This java class is used to implement fitness evaluator of a solution in which k-fold cross validation on training set is used for evaluating the classification performance of a selected feature subset.
FitnessEvaluator(String, Object, Object, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
Initializes the parameters
fitnessProportionalSelection(double[], int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SelectionOperator
Selects parents from the individuals of a population according to their fitness values using fitness proportional selection method in which roulette wheel algorithm is used for selecting each individual based on their probabilities
FriedmanPanel - Class in
This java class is used to create and show a panel for analyzing the results based on the Friedman test.
FriedmanPanel() - Constructor for class
Creates new form FriedmanPanel.


GAIN_RATIO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
GainRatio - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the gain ratio method.
GainRatio(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GainRatio
Initializes the parameters
GainRatio(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GainRatio
Initializes the parameters
gBest - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
gBestFitness - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
generateRandNum(double, double) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Generates a random number that is drawn from a uniform distribution in a specific interval.
generateRandNum(double, double, Random) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Generates a random double number that is drawn from a uniform distribution in a specific interval.
generateRandNum(int, int, Random) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Generates a random integer number that is drawn from a uniform distribution in a specific interval.
generateRandomFeatureSubset(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method generates a position for a particle in which the number of selected features is defined by input value.
genes - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
get(ArrayList<DiagramPanel.TupleValues>) - Method in class
Returns the value to which the specified key is saved in the list, or null if this list contains no element for the key.
getAccuracy() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
This method returns the accuracy.
getAccuracyValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Returns the accuracy values of the feature selection method
getAlpha() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the alpha.
getAlpha() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the alpha.
getAlpha() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the alpha.
getAlpha() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
This method returns the alpha value.
getAverageAccuracyValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Returns the average values of the accuracy of the feature selection method over number of runs
getAverageErrorRateValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Returns the average values of the error rate of the feature selection method over number of runs
getAverageTimeValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Returns the average values of the execution time of the feature selection method over number of runs
getBestAnt() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method returns the best ant in the colony
getBestAnt() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method returns the best ant in the colony
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the beta.
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the beta.
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method returns the beta.
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the beta.
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the beta.
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the beta.
getBeta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the beta value.
getC1() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the c1 value.
getC2() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the c2 value.
getClassifierType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the selected classifier type.
getClassifierType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the selected classifier type.
getClassifierType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the selected classifier type.
getClassLabel() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the names of class labels
getColonySize() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the size of colony value.
getConfidence() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
This method returns the confidence factor value.
getConfidence() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the confidence factor value.
getConstParam() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
This method returns the const parameter value.
getCountSteps() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Ant
This method returns the current count steps of the ant.
getCrossoverRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the crossover rate value.
getCrossOverType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the selected crossover type.
getElimination() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method returns the elimination threshold value.
getEmbeddedApproachParameters(EmbeddedType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method returns a list of parameters that are applied in a given embedded-based feature selection method
getEndPosInterval() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the position interval end value.
getEpsilon() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
This method returns the epsilon value.
getEpsilon() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
This method returns the epsilon value.
getErrorRate() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
This method returns the error rate.
getErrorRateValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Returns the error rate values of the feature selection method
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getEvRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the evaporation rate.
getFeasibleFeatureSet() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method returns the feasible features that can be added to the current solution of the ant.
getFeasibleFeatureSet() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Ant
This method returns the feasible features that can be added to the current solution of the ant.
getFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method returns the current selected feature subset by the ant.
getFeatureSubsetSize() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method returns the size of current selected feature subset by the ant.
getFeaturesWeights(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
Generates binary classifiers (SVM by applying k-fold cross validation resampling strategy) using input data and based on selected feature subset, and finally returns the weights of features
getFeaturesWeights(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVA_SVM_RFE
Generates binary classifiers (SVM by applying One-Versus-All (OVA) strategy) using input data and based on selected feature subset, and finally returns the weights of features
getFeaturesWeights(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVO_SVM_RFE
Generates binary classifiers (SVM by applying One-Versus-One (OVO) strategy) using input data and based on selected feature subset, and finally returns the weights of features
getFeaturesWeights(int[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVM_RFE
Generates a classifier (SVM) using input data and based on selected feature subset, and finally returns the weights of features based on ranking criterion (weight magnitude)
getFeatureValues() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureWeighting
This method returns the weights of features computed by the feature weighting method.
getFilterApproachParameters(FilterType, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method returns a list of parameters that are applied in a given filter-based feature selection method
getFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method returns the fitness value of the ant.
getFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
This method returns the fitness value of the individual.
getFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method returns an array of fitness values of individuals in a population
getFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method returns an array of fitness values of individuals in a population
getFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method returns an array of fitness values of individuals in a population
getFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
This method returns the fitness value of the particle.
getFittestIndividual() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method returns the fittest individual in the population
getFittestIndividual() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method returns the fittest individual in the population
getFittestIndividual() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method returns the fittest individual in the population
getGBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method returns the best position in the swarm (global best)
getGBestFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method returns the fitness value of best position in the swarm (global best)
getHybridApproachParameters(HybridType, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method returns a list of parameters that are applied in a given hybrid-based feature selection method
getInertiaWeight() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the inertia weight (w) value.
getInitPheromone() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the initial pheromone value.
getInitPheromone() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method returns the initial pheromone value.
getInitPheromone() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the initial pheromone value.
getInitPheromone() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the initial pheromone value.
getInitPheromone() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
This method returns the initial pheromone value.
getKernel() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
This method returns the name of kernel.
getKernel() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method returns the name of kernel.
getKey() - Method in class
Returns the key of this TupleValues in Point data type.
getKFolds() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the k folds value.
getKFolds() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the k folds value.
getKFolds() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the k folds value.
getKNearest() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
This method returns the k-nearest neighbor value.
getKNNValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
This method returns the number of neighbours to use.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the maximum depth of the tree.
getMaxVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the velocity interval end value.
getMinNum() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
This method returns the minimum number of samples per leaf.
getMinNum() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the minimum number of samples per leaf.
getMinVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the velocity interval start value.
getMoreOptionDescription() - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method returns the description of the parameters in details that is shown in more option panel.
getMu() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
This method returns the mu value.
getMultMethodName() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method returns the name of multivariate method.
getMutationRate() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the mutation rate value.
getMutationType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the selected mutation type.
getNameFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the names of features
getNameMode() - Method in class
This method returns the type of mode.
getNumAnts() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the number of ants value.
getNumAnts() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the number of ants value.
getNumAnts() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method returns the number of ants value.
getNumAnts() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the number of ants value.
getNumAnts() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the number of ants value.
getNumAnts() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the number of ants value.
getNumClass() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return number of classes in the dataset
getNumData() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return number of samples in the dataset(train set + test set)
getNumFeatOfAnt() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the number of features for ants.
getNumFeatOfAnt() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the number of features for ants.
getNumFeatOfAnt() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the number of features for ants.
getNumFeatOfAnt() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the number of features for ants.
getNumFeatOfAnt() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the number of features for ants.
getNumFeature() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return number of features in each sample
getNumFold() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method returns the number of subsamples value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumIteration() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the number of iterations value.
getNumRun() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method returns the number of runs value.
getNumSelection() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method returns the number of selections value.
getNumTestSet() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return number of samples in the test set
getNumTrainSet() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return number of samples in the train set
getParameterC() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
This method returns the complexity parameter C.
getParameterC() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method returns the complexity parameter C.
getPBestFitness() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
This method returns the fitness value of best position of the particle (personal best)
getPerformanceMeasures() - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
Returns the performance measures of the obtained result
getPheromone(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicGraphRepresentation
This method returns a pheromone value in a specific entry of the pheromone array that is determined by indeces of the row and column
getPheromone(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.GraphRepresentation
This method returns a pheromone value in a specific entry of the pheromone array that is determined by indeces of the row and column
getPhi() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
This method returns the phi value.
getPopulationSize() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the size of population value.
getPopulationSize() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the size of population value.
getQ0() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the q0.
getQ0() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the q0.
getQ0() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method returns the q0.
getQ0() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method returns the q0.
getQ0() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method returns the q0.
getQ0() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method returns the q0.
getRandomForestNumFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the number of randomly selected features.
getRandomForestNumIterations() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the number of iterations to be performed.
getRandomTreeKValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the number of randomly chosen attributes.
getRandomTreeMaxDepth() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the maximum depth of the tree.
getRandomTreeMinNum() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the minimum total weight of the instances in a leaf.
getRandomTreeMinVarianceProp() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the minimum proportion of the total variance (over all the data) required for split.
getReplacementType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the selected replacement type.
getSelectedClassifierPan() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method returns the selected classifier panel value.
getSelectedClassifierPan() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the selected classifier panel value.
getSelectedClassifierPan() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the selected classifier panel value.
getSelectedFeatureSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
This method returns the subset of selected features by a given feature selection method.
getSelectionType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method returns the selected selection type.
getSimilarity() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
This method returns the similarity threshold value.
getSizeSubspace() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method returns the size of subspace value.
getStartPosInterval() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method returns the position interval start value.
getTestSet() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the test set values
getTheta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
This method returns the theta value.
getTheta() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
This method returns the theta value.
getTime() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
This method returns the time.
getTimeValues() - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Returns the execution time values of the feature selection method
getTrainSet() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the train set values
getTreeType() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method returns the type of the tree.
getVal() - Method in class
Returns the val of this TupleValues in Point data type.
getValue() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.EnumType
Returns value of the object
getWeightedFilterApproachParameters(FilterType, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method returns a list of parameters that are applied in a given feature weighting method
getWrapperApproachParameters(WrapperType, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method returns a list of parameters that are applied in a given wrapper-based feature selection method
GINI_INDEX - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
GiniIndex - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the Gini index method.
GiniIndex(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GiniIndex
Initializes the parameters
GiniIndex(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GiniIndex
Initializes the parameters
graphRepresentation - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
GraphRepresentation - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO
This java class is used to represent a graph in optimal ant colony optimization (optimal ACO) method.
GraphRepresentation(int, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.GraphRepresentation
Initializes the parameters
greedyRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Greedy state transition rule
greedyRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Greedy state transition rule
greedyRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Greedy state transition rule
greedyRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Greedy state transition rule
greedyRule(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Greedy state transition rule
greedyRule(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Greedy state transition rule


help - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
HGAFS - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection using local search (HGAFS) in which the type of Population is extended from Population class.
HGAFS - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
HGAFS(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.HGAFS
Initializes the parameters
hgafsFeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
HGAFSPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the hybrid genetic algorithm using local search (HGAFS).
HGAFSPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
Creates new form HGAFSPanel.
HPSO_LS - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS
This java class is used to implement feature selection based on hybrid particle swarm optimization method using local search (HPSO-LS) in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class.
HPSO_LS - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
HPSO_LS(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.HPSO_LS
Initializes the parameters
HPSO_LSPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the hybrid particle swarm optimization method using local search (HPSO-LS).
HPSO_LSPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
Creates new form HPSO_LSPanel.
hpsolsFeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
HybridApproach - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all hybrid-based feature selection methods.
HybridApproach() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridApproach
Initializes the parameters
hybridApproachPerform(HybridType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method performs the feature selection based on hybrid-based approach
HybridType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid
This java class is used to define the names of hybrid-based feature selection methods.
HybridType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridType
Creates new HybridType.


increaseCountSteps() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Ant
This method increases one step of the count steps of the ant.
indexClass(String) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method converts the String name of class labels to the integer value
Individual - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS
This java class is used to represent an individual in simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA) method in which the type of gene vector is boolean.
Individual - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA
This java class is used to represent an individual in simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA) method in which the type of gene vector is boolean.
Individual(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Individual
Initializes the parameters
Individual(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Individual
Initializes the parameters
INERTIA_WEIGHT - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
inertiaWeight - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
INFORMATION_GAIN - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
InformationGain - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the information gain method.
InformationGain(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.InformationGain
Initializes the parameters
InformationGain(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.InformationGain
Initializes the parameters
init(String, String) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method sets the dataset and the class labels of samples
init(String, String, String) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method read and set the train/test sets and class labels of samples
INIT_PHEROMONE_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
INIT_PHEROMONE_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
INIT_PHEROMONE_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
INIT_PHEROMONE_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
INIT_PHEROMONE_VALUE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method initializes the problem parameters.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method initializes the problem parameters.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method initializes each individual in the population.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method initializes each individual in the population.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method initializes each individual in the population.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method initializes the position and velocity vectors of each particle in the swarm.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method initializes the position and velocity vectors of each particle in the swarm.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
This method initializes the position and velocity vectors of each particle in the swarm.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method initializes the position and velocity vectors of each particle in the swarm.
initialization() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method initializes the position and velocity vectors of each particle in the swarm.
initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
intervalYDimension - Variable in class
IRRFSACO_1 - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the incremental relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (IRRFSACO_1) method.
IRRFSACO_1 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
IRRFSACO_1(int, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Initializes the parameters
IRRFSACO_1(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Initializes the parameters
IRRFSACO_1Panel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the incremental relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (IRRFSACO_1) method.
IRRFSACO_1Panel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
Creates new form IRRFSACO_1Panel.
IRRFSACO_2 - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the incremental relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (IRRFSACO_2) method.
IRRFSACO_2 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
IRRFSACO_2(int, double, int, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Initializes the parameters
IRRFSACO_2(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Initializes the parameters
IRRFSACO_2Panel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the incremental relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (IRRFSACO_2) method.
IRRFSACO_2Panel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
Creates new form IRRFSACO_2Panel.
isCompatibleTrainTestSet() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the status of train/test sets
isCorrectClassLabel() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the status of the class label file
isCorrectDataset() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the status of the dataset
isCorrectDataset() - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method checks the status of the paths of the data files
isCorrectSamplesClass() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to return the status of the samples' class
isCorrectString(String) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method checks that the input string don't contain the semicolon(;) or tab characters.
isDouble(String) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Checks whether the input string is an double value or not
isEmbeddedMethod(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
Checks whether the method is embedded-based feature selection method or not
isHybridMethod(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridType
Checks whether the method is hybrid-based feature selection method or not
isInteger(String) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Checks whether the input string is an integer value or not
isNonWeightedFilterMethod(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.NonWeightedFilterType
Checks whether the method is filter-based feature weighting method or not
isSelectedFeature(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Checks that is the current feature (index) available in the subset of selected feature
isWeightedFilterMethod(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.WeightedFilterType
Checks whether the method is filter-based feature weighting method or not
isWrapperMethod(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
Checks whether the method is wrapper-based feature selection method or not
isZeroFeat(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Checks the values of data corresponding to a given feature
isZeroFeat(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Checks the values of data corresponding to a given feature
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
The listener method for receiving item events.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
The listener method for receiving item events.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
The listener method for receiving item events.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel.EventHandler
The listener method for receiving item events.


K_FOLDS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicACO
K_FOLDS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicGA
K_FOLDS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicPSO
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
kernelType - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
key - Variable in class
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes).
kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
kFoldValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
KNearest - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
KNearest - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
kNN(String, int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.CrossValidation
This method builds and evaluates the k-nearest neighbours(knn) classifier.
kNN(String, String, int) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.TrainTestEvaluation
This method builds and evaluates the k-nearest neighbours(knn) classifier.
KNN - Static variable in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
KNNClassifierPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.classifier
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the k-nearest neighbours classifier.
KNNClassifierPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
Creates new form KNNClassifierPanel.
knnEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
knnEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
knnEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
knnEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
kNNValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel


LAPLACIAN_SCORE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
LaplacianScore - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the Laplacian score method.
LaplacianScore - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the Laplacian score method.
LaplacianScore(int, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Initializes the parameters
LaplacianScore(int, double, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Initializes the parameters
LaplacianScore(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Initializes the parameters
LaplacianScore(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Initializes the parameters
LaplacianScorePanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the Laplacian score method.
LaplacianScorePanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
Creates new form LaplacianScorePanel.
lbl_about - Variable in class
lbl_about - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
lbl_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
lbl_alphaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_alphaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_alphaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_alphaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
lbl_author - Variable in class
lbl_authorVal - Variable in class
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_betaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_c1 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_c1Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_c2 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_c2Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_chi_square - Variable in class
lbl_chi_squareVal - Variable in class
lbl_classifier - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_classifierType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_classlabel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_classlbl - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_colonySize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_colonySizeError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
lbl_confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_confidenceError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
lbl_confidenceError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_constParam - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
lbl_constParamError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
lbl_criticalVal1 - Variable in class
lbl_criticalVal2 - Variable in class
lbl_criticalVal3 - Variable in class
lbl_criticalVal4 - Variable in class
lbl_criticalVal5 - Variable in class
lbl_criticalVal6 - Variable in class
lbl_crossoverRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_crossoverRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_crossoverType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_dataset - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_descrip - Variable in class
lbl_elimination - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_eliminationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_embedded - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_endPosInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_endPosIntervalError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_epsilon - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
lbl_epsilon - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
lbl_epsilonError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
lbl_epsilonError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_evRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_fdistribution - Variable in class
lbl_fdistributionVal - Variable in class
lbl_footer_1 - Variable in class
lbl_footer_2 - Variable in class
lbl_footer_3 - Variable in class
lbl_home - Variable in class
lbl_homVal - Variable in class
lbl_hybrid - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_inertiaWeight - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_inertiaWeightError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
lbl_initPheromoneError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_initPheromoneError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_initPheromoneError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_initPheromoneError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_initPheromoneError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
lbl_inputdst - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_inputFile - Variable in class
lbl_insertFile - Variable in class
lbl_kernel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
lbl_kernel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_kFoldsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_kFoldsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_kFoldsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_KNearest - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
lbl_KNearestError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
lbl_kNNValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
lbl_kNNValueError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
lbl_License - Variable in class
lbl_logo - Variable in class
lbl_maxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_maxDepthError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_maxVelocity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_maxVelocityError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
lbl_minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_minNumError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
lbl_minNumError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_minVelocity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_minVelocityError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_mu - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
lbl_muError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
lbl_multivalMethod - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_mutationRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_mutationRateError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_mutationType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_name - Variable in class
lbl_nameUni - Variable in class
lbl_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_numAntsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numAntsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numAntsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_numAntsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numAntsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numAntsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_numDataset - Variable in class
lbl_numDatasetVal - Variable in class
lbl_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_numFeatureError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numFeatureError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numFeatureError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numFeatureError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numFeatureError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_numFold - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_numFoldError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_numIterationError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_numMethod - Variable in class
lbl_numMethodVal - Variable in class
lbl_numRun - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_numRunError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_numSelection - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_numSelectionError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
lbl_parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_parameterCError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
lbl_parameterCError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
lbl_path - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
lbl_phi - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
lbl_phiError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
lbl_populationSize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_populationSize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_populationSizeError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_populationSizeError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_posInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_q0Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_q0Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_q0Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
lbl_q0Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
lbl_q0Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
lbl_q0Error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
lbl_randomForestNumFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomForestNumFeaturesError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomForestNumIterations - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomForestNumIterationsError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeKValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeKValueError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeMaxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeMaxDepthError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeMinNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeMinNumError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeMinVarianceProp - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_randomTreeMinVariancePropError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_replacementType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_select - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
lbl_selectionType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
lbl_selectMode - Variable in class
lbl_similarity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
lbl_similarityError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
lbl_sizeSubspace - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_sizeSubspaceError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
lbl_start - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_startPosInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_startPosIntervalError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_sup - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_testSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_theta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
lbl_theta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
lbl_thetaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
lbl_thetaError - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
lbl_title - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
lbl_trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_treeType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
lbl_unsup - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
lbl_velocityInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
lbl_ver - Variable in class
lbl_verVal - Variable in class
lbl_worthOfVal - Variable in class
lbl_wrapper - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
LIST_CASES - Variable in class
LIST_ITERATION - Variable in class
loadDataSet(double[][], int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
Loads the dataset
loadDataSet(double[][], int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
Loads the dataset
loadDataSet(double[][], int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
Loads the dataset
loadDataSet(DatasetInfo) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
Loads the dataset
loadDataSet(DatasetInfo) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
Loads the dataset
loadDataSet(DatasetInfo) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
Loads the dataset
log2(double) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Returns the base 2 logarithm of a double value


main(String[]) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
This method is the main method to start the tool.
mainPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
MainPanel - Class in unifeat.gui
This java class is used to create and show the main panel of the project.
MainPanel(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
Creates new form MainPanel.
MainPanel.Counter - Class in unifeat.gui
This class is used to create a thread
MainPanel.EventHandler - Class in unifeat.gui
The event handler class for handling action events.
MathFunc - Class in unifeat.util
This java class is used to implement various utility methods for performing basic statistical operation such as the mean and variance.
MathFunc() - Constructor for class unifeat.util.MathFunc
matingPool - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
matingPool - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
MAX_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
MAX_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
MAX_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
MAX_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
MAX_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
MAX_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
MAX_SIM_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.RRFS
MAX_SIM_VALUE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFS
MAX_VELOCITY - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
maxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
maxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
maxValue - Variable in class
maxVelocity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
measures - Variable in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
menuBar - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
menuBar - Variable in class
MGSACO - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the microarray gene selection based on ant colony optimization (MGSACO) method.
MGSACO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
MGSACO(int, double, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Initializes the parameters
MGSACO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Initializes the parameters
MGSACOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the microarray gene selection based on ant colony optimization (MGSACO) method.
MGSACOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
Creates new form MGSACOPanel.
mi_about - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_aboutActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_about menu item.
mi_accur - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_accurActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_accur menu item.
mi_close - Variable in class
mi_closeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the mi_close button.
mi_error - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_errorActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_error menu item.
mi_exeTime - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_exeTimeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_exeTime menu item.
mi_exit - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_exitActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_exit menu item.
mi_friedman - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_friedmanActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_friedman menu item.
mi_help - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_helpActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_help menu item.
mi_preprocess - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mi_preprocessActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the mi_preprocess menu item.
mi_save - Variable in class
mi_saveActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the mi_save button.
mi_saveAs - Variable in class
mi_saveAsActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
This method sets an action for the mi_saveAs button.
MIN_VELOCITY - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
minNumSampleInLeaf - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
minValue - Variable in class
minVelocity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
model - Variable in class
MoreOpPanel - Class in unifeat.gui
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the "more option" button of the feature selection methods.
MoreOpPanel(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.MoreOpPanel
Creates new form MoreOpPanel.
moreOptionDescription - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving interesting mouse events on a component.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving mouse motion events on a component.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving interesting mouse events on a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving interesting mouse events on a component.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving mouse motion events on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving interesting mouse events on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The listener method for receiving interesting mouse events on a component.
MRMR - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the minimal redundancy maximal relevance (mRMR) method.
MRMR - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
MRMR(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Initializes the parameters
MRMR(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
Initializes the parameters
MSVM_RFE - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
This java class is used to implement MSVM_RFE method for binary classification based on SVM_RFE method (support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination) in which multiple linear SVMs trained on subsamples of the original training data.
MSVM_RFE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
MSVM_RFE(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
MSVM_RFE(String, SVMKernelType, double, int, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
MSVM_RFEPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the multiple support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination (MSVM_RFE).
MSVM_RFEPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
Creates new form MSVM_RFEPanel.
msvmFeatureSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
mu - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
MU - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
multivariateApproach(double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
Selects the top feature with size THRESHOLD_ELIMINATION by given method
MultivariateMethodType - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm
This java class is used to define the names of multivariate method used in RSM feature selection method.
MultivariateMethodType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.MultivariateMethodType
Creates new MultivariateMethodType.
multMatrix(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the multiple of two matrices
multMethodName - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
multMethodName - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
multThreeMatrix(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.LaplacianScore
Chaining multiple three matrix
multThreeMatrix(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
Chaining multiple three matrix
MUTATION_RATE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
MUTATION_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
MutationOperator - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
This java class is used to implement various mutation operators for mutating new offsprings by changing the value of some genes in them.
MutationOperator() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.MutationOperator
mutationRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
mutationType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
MutationType - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to define the names of different implementation of mutation.
MutationType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
Creates new MutationType.
MutationType(String, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
Creates new MutationType.
MUTUAL_CORRELATION - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
MUTUAL_CORRELATION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.MultivariateMethodType
MutualCorrelation - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the mutual correlation method.
MutualCorrelation(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Initializes the parameters
MutualCorrelation(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Initializes the parameters


naiveBayes(String, int) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.CrossValidation
This method builds and evaluates the naiveBayes(NB) classifier.
naiveBayes(String, String) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.TrainTestEvaluation
This method builds and evaluates the naiveBayes(NB) classifier.
name - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.EnumType
NAME_DIAGRAM - Variable in class
NAME_LEGEND_LABEL - Variable in class
NAME_MAIN_PANEL - Variable in class
NAME_MULTI_APPROACH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
NAME_Y_AXIS - Variable in class
nameFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
nameFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
nameFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
nameFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
nameMode - Variable in class
NB - Static variable in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
newMethod(EmbeddedType, Object...) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
This method creates new object from one of the classes that has been inherited from the EmbeddedApproach class according to type of the feature selection method.
newMethod(FilterType, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterApproach
This method creates new object from one of the classes that has been inherited from the FilterApproach class according to type of the feature selection method.
newMethod(FilterType, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.WeightedFilterApproach
This method creates new object from one of the classes that has been inherited from the WeightedFilterApproach class according to type of the feature selection method.
newMethod(HybridType, Object...) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridApproach
This method creates new object from one of the classes that has been inherited from the HybridApproach class according to type of the feature selection method.
newMethod(WrapperType, Object...) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
This method creates new object from one of the classes that has been inherited from the WrapperApproach class according to type of the feature selection method.
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.MultivariateMethodType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
NONE - Static variable in class
NONE - Static variable in class unifeat.result.ResultType
NonWeightedFilterType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to define the names of non weighted filter-based feature selection methods.
NonWeightedFilterType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.NonWeightedFilterType
Creates new NonWeightedFilterType.
normalizeVector(double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Normalizes values of the vector
NUM_ANTS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
NUM_ANTS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
NUM_ANTS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
NUM_ANTS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
NUM_ANTS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
NUM_ANTS - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
NUM_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
NUM_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicACO
NUM_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicGA
NUM_ITERATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicPSO
NUM_ORIGINAL_FEATURE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
numClass - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
numClass - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
numData - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
numFeatOfAnt - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
numFeatOfAnt - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
numFeatOfAnt - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
numFeatOfAnt - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
numFeatOfAnt - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
numFeatOfAnt - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
numFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
numFold - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
numRun - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
numRun - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
numRuns - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
numSelectedFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
This method returns the number of selected features by the individual based on its gene vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Individual
This method returns the number of selected features by the individual based on its gene vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Individual
This method returns the number of selected features by the individual based on its gene vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
This method returns the number of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Particle
This method returns the number of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Particle
This method returns the number of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Particle
This method returns the number of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
numSelectedFeatures() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Particle
This method returns the number of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
numSelectedFeatures(Double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Particle
This method returns the number of selected features by the particle based on personal best position vector.
numSelectedSubsets - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
numSelectedSubsets - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
numSelection - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
numSelection - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
numTestSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
numTrainSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo


ONE_POINT_CROSS_OVER - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
onePointCrossover(boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using one-point crossover
onePointCrossover(double[], double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using one-point crossover
onePointCrossover(GeneType[], GeneType[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using one-point crossover
openURL(String) - Method in class
Opens default browser using the given URL
operateCrossOver() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method recombines (cross over) the parents to generate new offsprings.
operateCrossOver() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method recombines (cross over) the parents to generate new offsprings.
operateCrossOver() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method recombines (cross over) the parents to generate new offsprings.
operateGenerationReplacement() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method handles populations from one generation to the next generation.
operateGenerationReplacement() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method handles populations from one generation to the next generation.
operateGenerationReplacement() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method handles populations from one generation to the next generation.
operateLocalSearch() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method performs a local search strategy on each individual which is based on correlation of features.
operateLocalSearch() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method performs a local search strategy on each particle which is based on correlation of features.
operateMutation() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method mutates new offsprings by changing the value of some genes in them.
operateMutation() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method mutates new offsprings by changing the value of some genes in them.
operateMutation() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method mutates new offsprings by changing the value of some genes in them.
operatePheromoneUpdateRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method updates the current pheromone values by decreasing pheromone concentrations and then deposit the quantity of pheromone by ants.
operatePheromoneUpdateRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method updates the current pheromone values by decreasing pheromone concentrations and then deposit the quantity of pheromone by ants.
operateSelection() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
This method selects parents from the individuals of a population according to their fitness that will recombine for next generation.
operateSelection() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method selects parents from the individuals of a population according to their fitness that will recombine for next generation.
operateSelection() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
This method selects parents from the individuals of a population according to their fitness that will recombine for next generation.
operateStateTransitionRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method selects the next state and adds it to the current selected feature subset by using state transition rule that is combination of heuristic desirability and pheromone levels.
operateStateTransitionRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method selects the next state and adds it to the current selected feature subset by using state transition rule that is combination of heuristic desirability and pheromone levels.
OPTIMAL_ACO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
OptimalACO - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on optimal ant colony optimization (Optimal ACO) in which the type of Colony is extended from Colony class.
OptimalACO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.OptimalACO
Initializes the parameters
optimalACOFeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
OptimalACOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the optimal ant colony optimization (OptimalACO) method.
OptimalACOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
Creates new form OptimalACOPanel.
originalData - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
originalFeatureSet() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
This method creates an array of indices of features and returns it.
originalFeatureSet() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
This method creates an array of indices of features and returns it.
OVA_SVM_RFE - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
This java class is used to implement OVA_SVM_RFE method for multiclass classification based on SVM_RFE method (support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination) in which One-Versus-All (OVA) strategy is applied to construct binary classifiers.
OVA_SVM_RFE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
OVA_SVM_RFE(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVA_SVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
OVA_SVM_RFE(String, SVMKernelType, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVA_SVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
OVO_SVM_RFE - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
This java class is used to implement OVO_SVM_RFE method for multiclass classification based on SVM_RFE method (support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination) in which One-Versus-One (OVO) strategy is applied to construct binary classifiers.
OVO_SVM_RFE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
OVO_SVM_RFE(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVO_SVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
OVO_SVM_RFE(String, SVMKernelType, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.OVO_SVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters


paint(Graphics) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
Recreates MainPanel based on the updated progress bar value.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class
This method is used to show the diagram.
panel_about - Variable in class
panel_about - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
panel_classifier - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_config - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_criticalValTbl - Variable in class
panel_delimiter - Variable in class
panel_embedded - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_featureMethod - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_filePath - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_filter - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_footer - Variable in class
panel_friedman - Variable in class
panel_hybrid - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_numFeat - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_randomSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_ttSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
panel_wrapper - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
ParameterPanel - Class in unifeat.gui
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings.
ParameterPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
Creates new form ParameterPanel.
ParameterPanel(String, String, String, String, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, Dimension) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
Creates new form ParameterPanel.
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
Converts the classifier name to ClassifierType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
Converts the embedded method name to EmbeddedType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
Converts the filter method name to FilterType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid.HybridType
Converts the hybrid method name to HybridType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
Converts the wrapper method name to WrapperType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
Converts the kernel name to SVMKernelType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
Converts the tree name to TreeType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.MultivariateMethodType
Converts the multivariate method name to MultivariateMethodType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
Converts the crossover name to CrossOverType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.MutationType
Converts the mutation name to MutationType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
Converts the replacement name to ReplacementType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
Converts the selection name to SelectionType
parse(String) - Static method in class
Converts the select mode name to SelectModeType
parse(String) - Static method in class unifeat.result.ResultType
Converts the result name to ResultType
parse(SVMKernelType) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.WekaSVMKernel
This method return the weka SVM kernel type according to the unifeat SVM kernel type.
Particle - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO
This java class is used to represent a particle in binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) method in which the type of position vector is boolean and the type of velocity vector is double.
Particle - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO
This java class is used to represent a particle in continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) method in which the type of position and velocity vectors are double.
Particle - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS
This java class is used to represent a particle in hybrid particle swarm optimization method using local search (HPSO-LS) in which the type of position vector is boolean and the type of velocity vector is double.
Particle - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42
This java class is used to represent a particle in particle swarm optimization version 4-2(PSO(4-2)) method in which the type of position and velocity vectors are double.
Particle(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Particle
Initializes the parameters
Particle(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Particle
Initializes the parameters
Particle(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Particle
Initializes the parameters
Particle(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Particle
Initializes the parameters
path - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
PATH_DATA_ARFF - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
PATH_DATA_ARFF - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
PATH_DATA_CSV - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
PATH_DATA_CSV - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
PATH_PROJECT - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
PATH_PROJECT - Variable in class
PATH_PROJECT - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
pathData - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
pathLabel - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
pathProject - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
pathTestSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
pBest - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
pBestFitness - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
PEARSON_VII - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
PERFORMANCE_MEASURES - Static variable in class unifeat.result.ResultType
performanceMeasures - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
PerformanceMeasures - Class in unifeat.result.performanceMeasure
This java class is used to save all performance measure values obtained from different runs of given feature selection method.
PerformanceMeasures(int, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Initializes the parameters
performBestSubset - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
permutation(int[], int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
Permutes the index of features
pheromone - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicGraphRepresentation
pheromoneUpdatingRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Updates intensity of pheromone values
pheromoneUpdatingRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Updates intensity of pheromone values
pheromoneUpdatingRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Updates intensity of pheromone values
pheromoneUpdatingRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Updates intensity of pheromone values
pheromoneUpdatingRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Updates intensity of pheromone values
pheromoneUpdatingRule() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Updates intensity of pheromone values
pheromoneValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
pheromoneValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
pheromoneValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
pheromoneValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
pheromoneValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
pheromoneValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
phi - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
PHI - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
POLYNOMIAL - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
population - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicGA
population - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
population - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
Population - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS
This java class is used to implement a population of individuals in hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection using local search (HGAFS) in which the type of individual is extended from Individual class.
Population - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA
This java class is used to implement a population of individuals in simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA) method in which the type of individual is extended from Individual class.
Population() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
Initializes the parameters
Population(double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
Initializes the parameters
POPULATION_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
POPULATION_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
populationSize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
populationSize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
position - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
preProcessing(String, String) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to read dataset and class label files, split datasets and set their values
preProcessing(String, String, String) - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This is used to read datasets and class labels, split datasets and set their values
PreprocessPanel - Class in
This java class is used to create and show a panel for preprocessing of the datasets.
PreprocessPanel() - Constructor for class
Creates new form PreprocessPanel.
printErrorMessages() - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method prints the error messages due to unselected or incorrect input values in the dataset, parameter settings, classifier, and run configuration panels
PROB_CHOOSE_EQUATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
PROB_CHOOSE_EQUATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
PROB_CHOOSE_EQUATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
PROB_CHOOSE_EQUATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
PROB_CHOOSE_EQUATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
PROB_CHOOSE_EQUATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
probFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
PROBLEM_DIMENSION - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
PROBLEM_DIMENSION - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
probRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Probability state transition rule
probRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Probability state transition rule
probRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Probability state transition rule
probRule(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Probability state transition rule
probRule(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Probability state transition rule
probRule(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Probability state transition rule
progressBar - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
progressValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
PROJECT_PATH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedApproach
PROJECT_PATH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
ProjectPath - Class in unifeat.gui
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the selecting path for the project.
ProjectPath() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
Creates new form ProjectPath.
PSO42 - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on particle swarm optimization version 4-2(PSO(4-2)) with new initialization strategy and updating rule in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class.
PSO42 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
PSO42(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.PSO42
Initializes the parameters
pso42FeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
PSO42Panel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the particle swarm optimization version 4-2 (PSO(4-2)) method.
PSO42Panel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
Creates new form PSO42Panel.


q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel


rand - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
rand - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
rand - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
rand - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
rand - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
rand - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
rand - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
RANDOM_FOREST - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
RANDOM_FOREST_METHOD - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
RANDOM_FOREST_MORE_BUTTON_POSITION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_FOREST_MORE_OPTION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_FOREST_OK_BUTTON_POSITION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_FOREST_PANEL_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_TREE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
RANDOM_TREE_MORE_BUTTON_POSITION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_TREE_MORE_OPTION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_TREE_OK_BUTTON_POSITION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
RANDOM_TREE_PANEL_SIZE - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomForestMaxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
RandomForestMethod - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods
This java class is used to implement the random forest based method for feature selection.
RandomForestMethod(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
Initializes the parameters
RandomForestMethod(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
Initializes the parameters
randomForestNumFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
randomForestNumFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomForestNumFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
randomForestNumIterations - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
randomForestNumIterations - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomForestNumIterations - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
randomize(double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Shuffles a given array using Fisher–Yates shuffle Algorithm
randomize(T[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Shuffles a given array using Fisher–Yates shuffle Algorithm
randomTreeKValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
randomTreeKValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomTreeKValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
randomTreeMaxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
randomTreeMaxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomTreeMaxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
randomTreeMinNum - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
randomTreeMinNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomTreeMinNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
randomTreeMinVarianceProp - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
randomTreeMinVarianceProp - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
randomTreeMinVarianceProp - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
RANK_BASED_SELECTION - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
rankBasedSelection(double[], int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SelectionOperator
Selects parents from the individuals of a population according to their fitness values using rank-based selection method in which roulette wheel algorithm is used for selecting each individual based on their ranks
RBF - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
rd_average - Variable in class
rd_comma - Variable in class
rd_randSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
rd_randSetItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the rd_randSet radio button.
rd_semicolon - Variable in class
rd_space - Variable in class
rd_tab - Variable in class
rd_total - Variable in class
rd_ttset - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
rd_ttsetSetItemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method sets an action for the rd_ttsetSet radio button.
readExample1() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method reads the dataset
readExample2() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method reads the train/test sets
readLabel() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method reads the class labels of the samples
relevanceFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
relevanceFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
relevanceFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
relevanceFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
relevanceFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
removeComponents(TreeType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method removes components from the main panel based on type of the tree
removeComponentsC45() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method removes c4.5 components from the main panel
removeComponentsRandomForest() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method removes random forest components from the main panel
removeComponentsRandomTree() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method removes random tree components from the main panel
removeFeature(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method removes a specific feature of the current selected feature subset by the ant.
removeTreeType(Object...) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Removes a list of tree types from a combobox
REPLACEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
replacementType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
ReplacementType - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to define the names of different implementation of generation replacement.
ReplacementType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
Creates new ReplacementType.
ReplacementType(String, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
Creates new ReplacementType.
ResultPanel - Class in unifeat.gui
This java class is used to create and show a panel for showing the results.
ResultPanel(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
Creates new form ResultPanel.
Results - Class in unifeat.result
This java class is used to implement various methods for showing the results in the result panel.
Results(DatasetInfo, int, int, String, Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class unifeat.result.Results
Initializes the parameters
ResultType - Class in unifeat.result
This java class is used to define the types of result.
ResultType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.result.ResultType
Creates new ResultType.
RHO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
rouletteWheel(double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SelectionOperator
Selects an individual in a population according to their probabilities using roulette wheel algorithm
roundDouble(double, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Rounds the argument value to a double value with given number of floating-point
RRFS - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method.
RRFS - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method.
RRFS - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
RRFS(int, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.RRFS
Initializes the parameters
RRFS(int, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFS
Initializes the parameters
RRFS(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.RRFS
Initializes the parameters
RRFS(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFS
Initializes the parameters
RRFSACO_1 - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (RRFSACO_1) method.
RRFSACO_1 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
RRFSACO_1(int, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Initializes the parameters
RRFSACO_1(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Initializes the parameters
RRFSACO_1Panel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (RRFSACO_1) method.
RRFSACO_1Panel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
Creates new form RRFSACO_1Panel.
RRFSACO_2 - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (RRFSACO_2) method.
RRFSACO_2 - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
RRFSACO_2(int, double, int, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Initializes the parameters
RRFSACO_2(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Initializes the parameters
RRFSACO_2Panel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (RRFSACO_2) method.
RRFSACO_2Panel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
Creates new form RRFSACO_2Panel.
RRFSPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method.
RRFSPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
Creates new form RRFSPanel.
RSM - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the random subspace method(RSM) method.
RSM - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
RSM(int, int, int, int, MultivariateMethodType) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
Initializes the parameters
RSM(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
Initializes the parameters
RSMPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the random subspace method (RSM) method.
RSMPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
Creates new form RSMPanel.
run() - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel.Counter
This method takes any action whatsoever.
runCode - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel


sc_feature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
scroll - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MoreOpPanel
scroll - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
scroll_tbl - Variable in class
seedValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
seedValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Population
seedValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
seedValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
seedValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
seedValue - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
SELECTED_FEATURE_SUBSET - Static variable in class unifeat.result.ResultType
selectedClassifierPan - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
selectedClassifierPan - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
selectedClassifierPan - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
selectedEvaluationClassifierPanel - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
selectedEvaluationClassifierPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
selectedEvaluationClassifierPanel - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
This method returns the indices of selected features by the individual based on its gene vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Individual
This method returns the indices of selected features by the individual based on its gene vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.Individual
This method returns the indices of selected features by the individual based on its gene vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
This method returns the indices of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Particle
This method returns the indices of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Particle
This method returns the indices of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Particle
This method returns the indices of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
selectedFeaturesSubset() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Particle
This method returns the indices of selected features by the particle based on position vector.
selectedFeatureSubset - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
selectedFeatureSubset(String) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.DecisionTreeBasedMethod
Finds the feature subset from the nodes of the created tree (Used for C4.5 and Random Tree)
selectedFeatureSubset(String) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.RandomForestMethod
Finds the feature subset from the nodes of the created tree (Used for Random Forest)
selectedFeatureSubset(String) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.TreeBasedMethods
Finds the feature subset from the nodes of the created tree
selectedFeatureSubsets - Variable in class unifeat.result.Results
SELECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicPopulation
SelectionOperator - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
This java class is used to implement various selection operators for selecting parents from the individuals of a population according to their fitness that will recombine for next generation.
SelectionOperator() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SelectionOperator
selectionType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
SelectionType - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to define the names of different implementation of selection.
SelectionType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
Creates new SelectionType.
SelectionType(String, int) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SelectionType
Creates new SelectionType.
SelectModePanel - Class in
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the selecting mode of showing the results.
SelectModePanel() - Constructor for class
Creates new form SelectModePanel.
SelectModeType - Class in
This java class is used to define the names of select mode used in the result
SelectModeType(String) - Constructor for class
Creates new SelectModeType.
sep_file - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
sep_help - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
setAccuracy(double) - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
This method sets the accuracy value.
setAlpha(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the alpha value.
setAlpha(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the alpha value.
setAlpha(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the alpha value.
setAlpha(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
This method sets the alpha value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the beta value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the beta value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets the beta value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the beta value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the beta value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the beta value.
setBeta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the beta value.
setC1(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the c1 value.
setC2(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the c2 value.
setClassifierType(ClassifierType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the selected classifier type.
setClassifierType(ClassifierType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the selected classifier type.
setClassifierType(ClassifierType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the selected classifier type.
setColonySize(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the size of colony value.
setConfidence(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
This method sets the confidence factor value.
setConfidence(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the confidence factor value.
setConstParam(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
This method sets the const parameter value.
setCountSteps(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Ant
This method sets the count steps of the ant.
setCriteria(int, int, Criteria) - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.PerformanceMeasures
Sets the obtained criteria values from feature selection method
setCrossoverRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the crossover rate value.
setCrossOverType(CrossOverType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the selected crossover type.
setCurrentFeatureValues(double[]) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
Sets the values of each feature in the current run over given subset of selected features
setCurrentSelectedSubset(int, int, int[]) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
Sets the subset of selected features in the current run
setDataInfo(double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
This method sets the information of the dataset.
setDataInfo(double[][]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method sets the information of the dataset.
setDataInfo(double[][], String[], String[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
This method sets the information of the dataset.
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
Sets the default values of the decision tree parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
Sets the default values of the k-nearest neighbours parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
Sets the default values of the support vector machine parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Sets the default values of the tree parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
Sets the default values of the MSVM_RFE parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
Sets the default values of the IRRFSACO_1 parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
Sets the default values of the IRRFSACO_2 parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
Sets the default values of the Laplacian score parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
Sets the default values of the MGSACO parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
Sets the default values of the RRFSACO_1 parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
Sets the default values of the RRFSACO_2 parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
Sets the default values of the RRFS parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
Sets the default values of the RSM parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
Sets the default values of the UFSACO parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
Sets the default values of the basic ACO parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
Sets the default values of the Optimal ACO parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
Sets the default values of the basic GA parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
Sets the default values of the HGAFS parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
Sets the default values of the basic PSO parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
Sets the default values of the CPSO parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
Sets the default values of the HPSO_LS parameters
setDefaultValue() - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
Sets the default values of the PSO(4-2) parameters
setDefaultValue(TreeType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Sets the default values of the tree parameters
setElimination(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method sets the elimination threshold value.
setEnabledButton() - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
Enables the status of all buttons
setEnabledItem() - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
enables the status of diagrams menu item
setEnableKernelType(boolean) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
Sets the status of the kernel's combo box
setEnableKernelType(boolean) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
Sets the status of the kernel's combo box
setEndPosInterval(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the position interval end value.
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
This method sets the epsilon value.
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
This method sets the epsilon value.
setErrorRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
This method sets the error rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setEvRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the evaporation rate value.
setFitness(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
This method sets the fitness value of the ant.
setFitness(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicIndividual
This method sets the fitness value of the individual.
setFitness(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
This method sets the fitness value of the particle.
setGBest(PosType[]) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method sets the best position in the swarm (global best)
setGBestFitness(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method sets the fitness value of best position in the swarm (global best)
setInertiaWeight(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the inertia weight (w) value.
setInitialState() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
This method places any ant randomly to one feature as their initial states.
setInitialState() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.Colony
This method places any ant randomly to one feature as their initial states.
setInitPheromone(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the initial pheromone value.
setInitPheromone(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets the initial pheromone value.
setInitPheromone(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the initial pheromone value.
setInitPheromone(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the initial pheromone value.
setInitPheromone(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
This method sets the initial pheromone value.
setKernel(SVMKernelType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
This method sets the name of kernel.
setKernel(SVMKernelType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method sets the name of kernel.
setKFolds(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the k folds value.
setKFolds(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the k folds value.
setKFolds(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the k folds value.
setKNearest(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
This method sets the k-nearest neighbor value.
setKNNValue(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
This method sets the number of neighbours to use.
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the maximum depth of the tree.
setMaxVelocity(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the velocity interval end value.
setMessage(String) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
Appends the given text to the end of the documents
setMethodDescription(String) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the description of the method.
setMethodDescriptionPosition(Rectangle) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the position of the methodDescription in the created panel.
setMethodTitle(String) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the title of the method settings.
setMethodTitlePosition(Rectangle) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the position of the methodTitle in the created panel.
setMinNum(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
This method sets the minimum number of samples per leaf value.
setMinNum(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the minimum number of samples per leaf value.
setMinVelocity(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the velocity interval start value.
setMoreButtonPosition(Rectangle) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the position of the More button in the created panel.
setMoreOptionDescription(String) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the description of the parameters in details that is shown in more option panel.
setMu(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
This method sets the mu value.
setMultMethodName(MultivariateMethodType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method sets the name of multivariate method.
setMutationRate(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the mutation rate value.
setMutationType(MutationType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the selected mutation type.
setNameMode(SelectModeType) - Method in class
This method sets the type of mode.
setNumAnts(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the number of ants value.
setNumAnts(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the number of ants value.
setNumAnts(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets the number of ants value.
setNumAnts(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the number of ants value.
setNumAnts(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the number of ants value.
setNumAnts(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the number of ants value.
setNumFeatOfAnt(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the the number of features for ants value.
setNumFeatOfAnt(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the the number of features for ants value.
setNumFeatOfAnt(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the the number of features for ants value.
setNumFeatOfAnt(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the the number of features for ants value.
setNumFeatOfAnt(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the the number of features for ants value.
setNumFold(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method sets the number of subsamples value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumIteration(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the number of iterations value.
setNumRun(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method sets the number of runs value.
setNumSelectedFeature(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
This method sets the number of features that should be selected by a given feature selection method.
setNumSelection(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method sets the number of selections value.
setOkButtonPosition(Rectangle) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the position of the Ok button in the created panel.
setPanelSize(Dimension) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the size of the created panel.
setPanelTitle(String) - Method in class unifeat.gui.ParameterPanel
This method sets the title of the panel.
setParameterC(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
This method sets the complexity parameter C.
setParameterC(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
This method sets the complexity parameter C.
setPBestFitness(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle
This method sets the fitness value of best position of the particle (personal best)
setPheromone(double, int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicGraphRepresentation
This method sets a pheromone value in a specific entry of the array.
setPheromone(double, int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO.GraphRepresentation
This method sets a pheromone value in a specific entry of the array.
setPhi(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
This method sets the phi value.
setPopulationSize(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the size of population value.
setPopulationSize(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the size of population value.
setQ0(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the q0 value.
setQ0(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the q0 value.
setQ0(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
This method sets the q0 value.
setQ0(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
This method sets the q0 value.
setQ0(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
This method sets the q0 value.
setQ0(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
This method sets the q0 value.
setRandomForestNumFeatures(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the number of randomly selected features.
setRandomForestNumIterations(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the number of iterations to be performed.
setRandomTreeKValue(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the number of randomly chosen attributes.
setRandomTreeMaxDepth(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the maximum depth of the tree.
setRandomTreeMinNum(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the minimum total weight of the instances in a leaf.
setRandomTreeMinVarianceProp(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method sets the minimum proportion of the total variance (over all the data) required for split.
setReplacementType(ReplacementType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the selected replacement type.
setSelectedClassifierPan(Object) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
This method sets the selected classifier panel value.
setSelectedClassifierPan(Object) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the selected classifier panel value.
setSelectedClassifierPan(Object) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the selected classifier panel value.
setSelectionType(SelectionType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
This method sets the selected selection type.
setSimilarity(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
This method sets the similarity threshold value.
setSizeSubspace(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
This method sets the size of subspace value.
setStartNode() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Places the ants randomly on the graph nodes as their starting nodes
setStartNode() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Places the ants randomly on the graph nodes as their starting nodes
setStartNode() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Places the ants randomly on the graph nodes as their starting nodes
setStartNode() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Places the ants randomly on the graph nodes as their starting nodes
setStartNode() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Places the ants randomly on the graph nodes as their starting nodes
setStartNode() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Places the ants randomly on the graph nodes as their starting nodes
setStartPosInterval(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
This method sets the position interval start value.
setTheta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
This method sets the theta value.
setTheta(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
This method sets the theta value.
setTime(double) - Method in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
This method sets the time value.
setTime(double) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
Sets the execution time of the feature selection method in the current run.
setUserValue(double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
Sets the last values of the RRFS parameters entered by user
setUserValue(double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
Sets the last values of the decision tree parameters entered by user
setUserValue(double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Sets the last values of the C4.5 parameters entered by user
setUserValue(double, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
Sets the last values of the MGSACO parameters entered by user
setUserValue(double, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
Sets the last values of the UFSACO parameters entered by user
setUserValue(double, int, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
Sets the last values of the IRRFSACO_2 parameters entered by user
setUserValue(double, int, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
Sets the last values of the RRFSACO_2 parameters entered by user
setUserValue(int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
Sets the last values of the k-nearest neighbours parameters entered by user
setUserValue(int, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
Sets the last values of the Laplacian score parameters entered by user
setUserValue(int, int, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Sets the last values of the random tree parameters entered by user.
setUserValue(int, int, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
Sets the last values of the random forest parameters entered by user.
setUserValue(int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
Sets the last values of the IRRFSACO_1 parameters entered by user
setUserValue(int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
Sets the last values of the RRFSACO_1 parameters entered by user
setUserValue(int, int, int, MultivariateMethodType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
Sets the last values of the RSM parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
Sets the last values of the basic PSO parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
Sets the last values of the continuous PSO (CPSO) parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
Sets the last values of the PSO(4-2) parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
Sets the last values of the HPSO_LS parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, int, int, double, double, double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
Sets the last values of the basic ACO parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, int, int, double, double, double, int, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
Sets the last values of the Optimal ACO parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, SelectionType, CrossOverType, MutationType, ReplacementType, int, int, double, double, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
Sets the last values of the basic GA parameters entered by user
setUserValue(ClassifierType, Object, SelectionType, CrossOverType, MutationType, ReplacementType, int, int, double, double, int, double, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
Sets the last values of the basic GA parameters entered by user
setUserValue(SVMKernelType, double) - Method in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
Sets the last values of the support vector machine parameters entered by user
setUserValue(SVMKernelType, double, int, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
Sets the last values of the MSVM_RFE parameters entered by user
SIG_LEVEL_01 - Static variable in class unifeat.util.CriticalValue
SIG_LEVEL_05 - Static variable in class unifeat.util.CriticalValue
SIG_LEVEL_1 - Static variable in class unifeat.util.CriticalValue
sigmoidFunc(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method transforms a input value to the range of (0,1) using sigmoid function.
sigmoidFunc(double) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method transforms a input value to the range of (0,1) using sigmoid function.
similarity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
similarSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
similarSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
SIMPLE_GA - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
SimpleGA - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA) in which the type of Population is extended from Population class.
SimpleGA(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA.SimpleGA
Initializes the parameters
simpleGAFeatSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
SimpleGAPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA).
SimpleGAPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.SimpleGAPanel
Creates new form SimpleGAPanel.
simValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
simValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
simValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
simValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
simValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
simValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
simValues - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
SIZE_SUB_SPACE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
sizeSubspace - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
sizeSubspace - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
sortArray1D(double[], boolean) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the one dimensional array (double values) as descending or ascending order
sortArray1D(int[], boolean) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the one dimensional array (integer values) as descending or ascending order
sortArray1D(int[], boolean, int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the one dimensional array (integer values) as descending or ascending order
sortArray2D(double[][], int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the two dimensional array by using the index of column as ascending order
sortArray2D(double[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the two dimensional array by using the index of column as ascending order
sortWithIndex(double[], boolean) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the one dimensional array (double values) by values and returns a list of indices
sortWithIndex(int[], boolean) - Static method in class unifeat.util.ArraysFunc
Sorts the one dimensional array (integer values) by values and returns a list of indices
splitDataSetToTrainAndTest1() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method randomly splits the input dataset to the train/test sets 2/3 of the dataset is used as train set and 1/3 of the dataset is used as test set
splitDataSetToTrainAndTest2() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method sets the train/test sets train and test sets previously are split by user
splitFeatureWithLabel() - Method in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
This method converts and sets the string values of the input data to the double values
splitInformation() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.GainRatio
Computes the split information values of the data for all features
START_POS_INTERVAL - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
startPosInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
stateTransitionRules(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
Chooses the next feature among unvisited features according to the state transition rules
stateTransitionRules(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
Chooses the next feature among unvisited features according to the state transition rules
stateTransitionRules(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
Chooses the next feature among unvisited features according to the state transition rules
stateTransitionRules(int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Chooses the next feature among unvisited features according to the state transition rules
stateTransitionRules(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
Chooses the next feature among unvisited features according to the state transition rules
stateTransitionRules(int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
Chooses the next feature among unvisited features according to the state transition rules
subMatrix(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the subtract of two matrices
subtractBoolean(boolean, boolean) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method subtracts two boolean values.
subtractBoolean(boolean, boolean) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method subtracts two boolean values.
sum(double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the sum of the elements of input array
sum(double[], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the sum of the elements of input array in the range of [start, end)
sum(int[]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the sum of the elements of input array
sum(int[], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the sum of the elements of input array in the range of [start, end)
SupervisedFilterType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to define the names of supervised filter-based feature selection methods.
SupervisedFilterType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SupervisedFilterType
Creates new SupervisedFilterType.
SVM - Static variable in class unifeat.classifier.ClassifierType
SVM(String, String, SVMKernelType, double) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.TrainTestEvaluation
This method builds and evaluates the support vector machine(SVM) classifier.
SVM(String, SVMKernelType, double, int) - Static method in class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.CrossValidation
This method builds and evaluates the support vector machine(SVM) classifier.
SVM_RFE - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
This java class is used to implement support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination (SVM_RFE).
SVM_RFE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.EmbeddedType
SVM_RFE(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
SVM_RFE(String, SVMKernelType, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVM_RFE
Initializes the parameters
SVMBasedMethods - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all SVM-based feature selection methods.
SVMBasedMethods(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
Initializes the parameters
SVMBasedMethods(String, SVMKernelType, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
Initializes the parameters
SVMClassifierPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the support vector machine classifier.
SVMClassifierPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
Creates new form SVMClassifierPanel.
svmEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
svmEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
svmEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
svmEvaluationPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
svmFeatureSelectionPanel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
SVMKernelType - Class in unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier
This java class is used to define the names of kernel used in SVM.
SVMKernelType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMKernelType
Creates new SVMKernelType.
swap(boolean[], int, boolean[], int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Changes the values of the two elements in the two arrays identified by index1 and index2
swap(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Changes the values of the two rows in the input array identified by firstIndex and secondIndex
swap(double[], int, double[], int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Changes the values of the two elements in the two arrays identified by index1 and index2
swap(int[], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Changes the values of the two elements in the input array identified by firstIndex and secondIndex
swap(GeneType[], int, GeneType[], int) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Changes the values of the two elements in the two arrays identified by index1 and index2
swap(T[], int, int) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Changes the values of the two elements in the input array identified by firstIndex and secondIndex
swapValue(double[], int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Swaps the two entities of the input double array
swapValue(int[], int, int) - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MutualCorrelation
Swaps the two entities of the input integer array
swarm - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicPSO
Swarm - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO
This java class is used to implement a swarm of particles in binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) method in which the type of position vector is boolean and the type of particle is extended from Particle class.
Swarm - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO
This java class is used to implement a swarm of particles in continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) method in which the type of position vector is double and the type of particle is extended from Particle class.
Swarm - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS
This java class is used to implement a swarm of particles in hybrid particle swarm optimization method using local search (HPSO-LS) in which the type of position vector is boolean and the type of particle is extended from Particle class.
Swarm - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42
This java class is used to implement a swarm of particles in particle swarm optimization version 4-2(PSO(4-2)) method in which the type of position vector is double and the type of particle is extended from Particle class.
Swarm() - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
Initializes the parameters
Swarm(double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
Initializes the parameters
Swarm(double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
Initializes the parameters
Swarm(double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
Initializes the parameters
SYMMETRICAL_UNCERTAINTY - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
SymmetricalUncertainty - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
This java class is used to implement the symmetrical uncertainty method.
SymmetricalUncertainty(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SymmetricalUncertainty
Initializes the parameters
SymmetricalUncertainty(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.SymmetricalUncertainty
Initializes the parameters


tab_pane - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
tabuList - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
tabuList - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
tabuList - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
tabuList - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
tabuList - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
tabuList - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
tbl_values - Variable in class
TEMP_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
TEMP_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
TEMP_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
TEMP_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
TEMP_NUM_FEAT_OF_ANT - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
TEMP_PATH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVMBasedMethods
TEMP_PATH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.TreeBasedMethods
TEMP_PATH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
TEMP_PATH - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
tempMaxValue - Variable in class
tempMinValue - Variable in class
TERM_VARIANCE - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
TermVariance - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the term variance method.
TermVariance(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.TermVariance
Initializes the parameters
TermVariance(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.TermVariance
Initializes the parameters
testSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
theta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
theta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
THETA - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Particle
THETA - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Particle
THRESHOLD_ELIMINATION - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
time - Variable in class unifeat.result.performanceMeasure.Criteria
toString() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.EnumType
Converts the object name to string
toString() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicAnt
Returns a string representation of the ant.
toString() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicColony
Returns a string representation of the colony.
toString() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.BasicGraphRepresentation
Returns a string representation of the graph.
toString() - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method returns an empty string
toString(ResultType) - Method in class unifeat.result.Results
This method converts the obtained results over all runs to the string based on result type for showing in the result panel.
TOTAL - Static variable in class
TOTAL_REPLACEMENT - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.ReplacementType
trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.dataset.DatasetInfo
trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.FitnessEvaluator
trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS.Population
trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
TrainTestEvaluation - Class in unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier
This java class is used to apply the classifiers for computing the performance of the feature selection methods.
TrainTestEvaluation() - Constructor for class unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier.TrainTestEvaluation
transMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class unifeat.util.MathFunc
Computes the transpose of the input matrix
TREE_TYPE - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.TreeBasedMethods
TreeBasedMethods - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all Tree-based feature selection methods.
TreeBasedMethods(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods.TreeBasedMethods
Initializes the parameters
treeType - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
TreeType - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased
This java class is used to define the names of different implementation of Tree.
TreeType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.TreeType
Creates new TreeType.
TupleValues(Point, Point) - Constructor for class
Constructs and initializes a TupleValues with the specified (key, val).
TWO_POINT_CROSS_OVER - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
twoPointCrossover(boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using two-point crossover
twoPointCrossover(double[], double[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using two-point crossover
twoPointCrossover(GeneType[], GeneType[]) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using two-point crossover
txt_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
txt_alpha - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_beta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
txt_c1 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_c2 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_classLabel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
txt_classLbl - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
txt_colonySize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
txt_confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
txt_confidence - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_constParam - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
txt_crossoverRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
txt_elimination - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
txt_endPosInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_epsilon - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
txt_epsilon - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.HPSO_LSPanel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_evRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
txt_filePath - Variable in class
txt_inertiaWeight - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_info - Variable in class
txt_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
txt_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_initPheromone - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
txt_inputdst - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
txt_inputFile - Variable in class
txt_kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
txt_kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
txt_kFolds - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_KNearest - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.LaplacianScorePanel
txt_kNNValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.KNNClassifierPanel
txt_main - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MoreOpPanel
txt_maxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_maxVelocity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.DTClassifierPanel
txt_minNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_minVelocity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_mu - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.HGAFSPanel
txt_mutationRate - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
txt_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
txt_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
txt_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
txt_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_numAnts - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
txt_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
txt_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_numFeature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_numFold - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.BasicACOPanel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
txt_numIteration - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_numRun - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
txt_numSelection - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
txt_parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
txt_parameterC - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel
txt_path - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ProjectPath
txt_phi - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased.OptimalACOPanel
txt_populationSize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.BasicGAPanel
txt_populationSize - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_1Panel
txt_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.IRRFSACO_2Panel
txt_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.MGSACOPanel
txt_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_1Panel
txt_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSACO_2Panel
txt_q0 - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
txt_randomForestNumFeatures - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_randomForestNumIterations - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_randomTreeKValue - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_randomTreeMaxDepth - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_randomTreeMinNum - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_randomTreeMinVarianceProp - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
txt_similarity - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.RRFSPanel
txt_sizeSubspace - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm.RSMPanel
txt_startPosInterval - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.BasicPSOPanel
txt_testSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
txt_theta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.CPSOPanel
txt_theta - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased.PSO42Panel
txt_trainSet - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
txtArea_feature - Variable in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
txtArea_main - Variable in class unifeat.gui.ResultPanel
typeKernel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier.SVMClassifierPanel
typeKernel - Variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.MSVM_RFEPanel


UFSACO - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to implement the unsupervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization (UFSACO) method.
UFSACO - Static variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.FilterType
UFSACO(int, double, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Initializes the parameters
UFSACO(Object...) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
Initializes the parameters
UFSACOPanel - Class in unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the unsupervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization (UFSACO) method.
UFSACOPanel() - Constructor for class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.UFSACOPanel
Creates new form UFSACOPanel.
unifeat.classifier - package unifeat.classifier
unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier - package unifeat.classifier.evaluation.wekaClassifier
unifeat.dataset - package unifeat.dataset
unifeat.featureSelection - package unifeat.featureSelection
unifeat.featureSelection.embedded - package unifeat.featureSelection.embedded
unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods - package unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods - package unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods
unifeat.featureSelection.filter - package unifeat.featureSelection.filter
unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised - package unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised - package unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid - package unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS
unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42 - package unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42
unifeat.gui - package unifeat.gui
unifeat.gui.classifier - package unifeat.gui.classifier
unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier - package unifeat.gui.classifier.svmClassifier
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter.rsm
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBased
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased
unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased - package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBased - package - package
unifeat.result - package unifeat.result
unifeat.result.performanceMeasure - package unifeat.result.performanceMeasure
unifeat.util - package unifeat.util
UNIFORM_CROSS_OVER - Static variable in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.wrapper.GABased.CrossOverType
uniformCrossover(boolean[], boolean[], double) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using uniform crossover
uniformCrossover(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using uniform crossover
uniformCrossover(GeneType[], GeneType[], double) - Static method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.CrossoverOperator
Recombines (cross over) the two parents to generate new offsprings using uniform crossover
UnsupervisedFilterType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
This java class is used to define the names of unsupervised filter-based feature selection methods.
UnsupervisedFilterType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UnsupervisedFilterType
Creates new UnsupervisedFilterType.
updateGlobalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method updates the global best position (global best) of the swarm.
updateGlobalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method updates the global best position (global best) of the swarm.
updateGlobalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
This method updates the global best position (global best) of the swarm.
updateGlobalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method updates the global best position (global best) of the swarm.
updateGlobalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method updates the global best position (global best) of the swarm.
updateParticlePosition() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method updates the position vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticlePosition() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method updates the position vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticlePosition() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
This method updates the position vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticlePosition() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method updates the position vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticlePosition() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method updates the position vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticleVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method updates the velocity vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticleVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method updates the velocity vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticleVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
This method updates the velocity vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticleVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method updates the velocity vector of each particle in the swarm.
updateParticleVelocity() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method updates the velocity vector of each particle in the swarm.
updatePersonalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicSwarm
This method updates the best position (personal best) of each particle in the swarm.
updatePersonalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO.Swarm
This method updates the best position (personal best) of each particle in the swarm.
updatePersonalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO.Swarm
This method updates the best position (personal best) of each particle in the swarm.
updatePersonalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS.Swarm
This method updates the best position (personal best) of each particle in the swarm.
updatePersonalBest() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42.Swarm
This method updates the best position (personal best) of each particle in the swarm.
upProgValue(int, int, int) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method updates the value of progress bar


val - Variable in class
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.MSVM_RFE
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods.SVM_RFE
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.FeatureSelection
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_1
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.IRRFSACO_2
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.LaplacianScore
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.MGSACO
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_1
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RRFSACO_2
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.RSM
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised.UFSACO
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.BasicGA
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate() - Method in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicPSO
This method returns the potential errors in the input parameters.
validate(TreeType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.featureSelection.embedded.decisionTreeBased.DecisionTreeBasedPanel
This method checks the status of the text fields due to correct input value
value - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.EnumType
valuesFeature - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised.MRMR
velocity - Variable in class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BasicParticle


WeightedFilterApproach - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all weighted filter feature selection methods.
WeightedFilterApproach(int) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.WeightedFilterApproach
Initializes the parameters
weightedFilterApproachPerform(FilterType, boolean) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method performs the feature selection based on weighted filter approach
WeightedFilterType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.filter
This java class is used to define the names of weighted filter-based feature selection methods.
WeightedFilterType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.filter.WeightedFilterType
Creates new WeightedFilterType.
WekaSVMKernel - Class in unifeat.classifier
This java class is used to convert SVM kernel implemented in unifeat tool to SVM kernel implemented in weka software.
WekaSVMKernel() - Constructor for class unifeat.classifier.WekaSVMKernel
WIDTH_LEGEND - Variable in class
WrapperApproach - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all wrapper-based feature selection methods.
WrapperApproach(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperApproach
Initializes the parameters
wrapperApproachPerform(WrapperType) - Method in class unifeat.gui.MainPanel
This method performs the feature selection based on wrapper-based approach
WrapperType - Class in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper
This java class is used to define the names of wrapper-based feature selection methods.
WrapperType(String) - Constructor for class unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.WrapperType
Creates new WrapperType.


X_D_START_LEGEND - Variable in class
X_DIMENSION_END - Variable in class
X_DIMENSION_START - Variable in class


Y_D_START_LEGEND - Variable in class
Y_DIMENSION_END - Variable in class
Y_DIMENSION_START - Variable in class
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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