Package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
package unifeat.gui.featureSelection.filter
ClassDescriptionThis java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the incremental relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (IRRFSACO_1) method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the incremental relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (IRRFSACO_2) method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the Laplacian score method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the microarray gene selection based on ant colony optimization (MGSACO) method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (RRFSACO_1) method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (RRFSACO_2) method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method.This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the unsupervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization (UFSACO) method.