Uses of Class
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all feature weighting methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all embedded-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.SVMBasedMethods
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement MSVM_RFE method for binary classification based on SVM_RFE method (support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination) in which multiple linear SVMs trained on subsamples of the original training data.class
This java class is used to implement OVA_SVM_RFE method for multiclass classification based on SVM_RFE method (support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination) in which One-Versus-All (OVA) strategy is applied to construct binary classifiers.class
This java class is used to implement OVO_SVM_RFE method for multiclass classification based on SVM_RFE method (support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination) in which One-Versus-One (OVO) strategy is applied to construct binary classifiers.class
This java class is used to implement support vector machine method based on recursive feature elimination (SVM_RFE).class
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all SVM-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.embedded.TreeBasedMethods
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement the decision tree based methods.class
This java class is used to implement the random forest based method for feature selection.class
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all Tree-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.filter
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all filter-based feature selection methods.class
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all weighted filter feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.supervised
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement the Fisher score method.class
This java class is used to implement the gain ratio method.class
This java class is used to implement the Gini index method.class
This java class is used to implement the information gain method.class
This java class is used to implement the Laplacian score method.class
This java class is used to implement the minimal redundancy maximal relevance (mRMR) method.class
This java class is used to implement the relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method.class
This java class is used to implement the symmetrical uncertainty method. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.filter.unsupervised
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement the incremental relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (IRRFSACO_1) method.class
This java class is used to implement the incremental relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (IRRFSACO_2) method.class
This java class is used to implement the Laplacian score method.class
This java class is used to implement the microarray gene selection based on ant colony optimization (MGSACO) method.class
This java class is used to implement the mutual correlation method.class
This java class is used to implement the relevance-redundancy feature selection(RRFS) method.class
This java class is used to implement the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version1 (RRFSACO_1) method.class
This java class is used to implement the relevance–redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization, version2 (RRFSACO_2) method.class
This java class is used to implement the random subspace method(RSM) method.class
This java class is used to implement the term variance method.class
This java class is used to implement the unsupervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization (UFSACO) method. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.hybrid
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all hybrid-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all wrapper-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all ACO-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.ACOBasedMethods.OptimalACO
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on optimal ant colony optimization (Optimal ACO) in which the type of Colony is extended from Colony class. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all GA-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.HGAFS
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection using local search (HGAFS) in which the type of Population is extended from Population class. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.GABasedMethods.SimpleGA
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on simple genetic algorithm (Simple GA) in which the type of Population is extended from Population class. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all PSO-based feature selection methods. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.BPSO
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.CPSO
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.HPSO_LS
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection based on hybrid particle swarm optimization method using local search (HPSO-LS) in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class. -
Uses of FeatureSelection in unifeat.featureSelection.wrapper.PSOBasedMethods.PSO42
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This java class is used to implement feature selection method based on particle swarm optimization version 4-2(PSO(4-2)) with new initialization strategy and updating rule in which the type of Swarm is extended from Swarm class.