Class WeightedFilterApproach

Direct Known Subclasses:
FisherScore, GainRatio, GiniIndex, InformationGain, LaplacianScore, LaplacianScore, SymmetricalUncertainty, TermVariance

public abstract class WeightedFilterApproach extends FeatureWeighting
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used in all weighted filter feature selection methods.
Sina Tabakhi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WeightedFilterApproach

      public WeightedFilterApproach(int sizeSelectedFeatureSubset)
      Initializes the parameters
      sizeSelectedFeatureSubset - the size of selected features subset
  • Method Details

    • newMethod

      public static WeightedFilterApproach newMethod(FilterType type, boolean isSupervised, Object... arguments)
      This method creates new object from one of the classes that has been inherited from the WeightedFilterApproach class according to type of the feature selection method.
      type - type of the weighted filter feature selection method
      isSupervised - shows whether a method is supervised or unsupervised
      arguments - a list of arguments that is applied in the feature selection method
      the created object that has been inherited from the WeightedFilterApproach class