Class SVMClassifierPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, KeyListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants

public class SVMClassifierPanel extends ParameterPanel
This java class is used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings of the support vector machine classifier.
Shahin Salavati, Sina Tabakhi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SVMClassifierPanel

      public SVMClassifierPanel()
      Creates new form SVMClassifierPanel. This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
  • Method Details

    • keyReleased

      public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
      The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes). Invoked when a key has been released.
      Specified by:
      keyReleased in interface KeyListener
      Specified by:
      keyReleased in class ParameterPanel
      e - an action event
    • btn_okActionPerformed

      protected void btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
      btn_okActionPerformed in class ParameterPanel
      e - an action event
    • getKernel

      public SVMKernelType getKernel()
      This method returns the name of kernel.
      the Kernel parameter
    • setKernel

      public void setKernel(SVMKernelType kernelName)
      This method sets the name of kernel.
      kernelName - the name of kernel
    • getParameterC

      public double getParameterC()
      This method returns the complexity parameter C.
      the C parameter
    • setParameterC

      public void setParameterC(double c)
      This method sets the complexity parameter C.
      c - the complexity parameter C
    • setDefaultValue

      public void setDefaultValue()
      Sets the default values of the support vector machine parameters
    • setUserValue

      public void setUserValue(SVMKernelType type, double c)
      Sets the last values of the support vector machine parameters entered by user
      type - the name of the kernel
      c - the complexity parameter C
    • setEnableKernelType

      public void setEnableKernelType(boolean status)
      Sets the status of the kernel's combo box
      status - the status of the kernel