Package unifeat.gui

Class ParameterPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, KeyListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants
Direct Known Subclasses:
BasicACOPanel, BasicGAPanel, BasicPSOPanel, DecisionTreeBasedPanel, DTClassifierPanel, IRRFSACO_1Panel, IRRFSACO_2Panel, KNNClassifierPanel, LaplacianScorePanel, MGSACOPanel, MSVM_RFEPanel, RRFSACO_1Panel, RRFSACO_2Panel, RRFSPanel, RSMPanel, SVMClassifierPanel, UFSACOPanel

public abstract class ParameterPanel extends JDialog implements ActionListener, KeyListener
The abstract class contains the main methods and fields that are used to create and show a panel for the parameter settings.
Sina Tabakhi
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • lbl_title

      protected JLabel lbl_title
    • lbl_about

      protected JLabel lbl_about
    • btn_ok

      protected JButton btn_ok
    • btn_more

      protected JButton btn_more
    • panel_about

      protected JPanel panel_about
    • moreOptionDescription

      protected String moreOptionDescription
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterPanel

      public ParameterPanel()
      Creates new form ParameterPanel. This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
    • ParameterPanel

      public ParameterPanel(String panelTitle, String methodTitle, String methodDescription, String moreOptionDescription, Rectangle methodTitlePosition, Rectangle methodDescriptionPosition, Rectangle okButtonPosition, Rectangle moreButtonPosition, Dimension panelSize)
      Creates new form ParameterPanel. This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
      panelTitle - the title of the created panel
      methodTitle - the title of the method settings
      methodDescription - the description of the method
      moreOptionDescription - the description of the parameters in details that is shown in more option panel
      methodTitlePosition - the position of the methodTitle in the created panel
      methodDescriptionPosition - the position of the methodDescription in the created panel
      okButtonPosition - the position of the Ok button in the created panel
      moreButtonPosition - the position of the More button in the created panel
      panelSize - the size of the created panel
  • Method Details

    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      The listener method for receiving action events. Invoked when an action occurs.
      Specified by:
      actionPerformed in interface ActionListener
      e - an action event
    • keyTyped

      public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
      The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes). Invoked when a key has been typed.
      Specified by:
      keyTyped in interface KeyListener
      e - an action event
    • keyPressed

      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
      The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes). Invoked when a key has been pressed.
      Specified by:
      keyPressed in interface KeyListener
      e - an action event
    • keyReleased

      public abstract void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
      The listener method for receiving keyboard events (keystrokes). Invoked when a key has been released.
      Specified by:
      keyReleased in interface KeyListener
      e - an action event
    • btn_okActionPerformed

      protected void btn_okActionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      This method sets an action for the btn_ok button.
      e - an action event
    • btn_moreActionPerformed

      protected void btn_moreActionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      This method sets an action for the btn_more button.
      e - an action event
    • setPanelTitle

      protected void setPanelTitle(String panelTitle)
      This method sets the title of the panel.
      panelTitle - the title of the panel
    • setMethodTitle

      protected void setMethodTitle(String methodTitle)
      This method sets the title of the method settings.
      methodTitle - the title of the method settings
    • setMethodDescription

      protected void setMethodDescription(String methodDescription)
      This method sets the description of the method.
      methodDescription - the description of the method
    • setMoreOptionDescription

      protected void setMoreOptionDescription(String moreOptionDescription)
      This method sets the description of the parameters in details that is shown in more option panel.
      moreOptionDescription - the description of the parameters in details
    • getMoreOptionDescription

      protected String getMoreOptionDescription()
      This method returns the description of the parameters in details that is shown in more option panel.
      the description of the parameters in details
    • setPanelSize

      protected void setPanelSize(Dimension size)
      This method sets the size of the created panel.
      size - the size of the created panel
    • setMethodTitlePosition

      protected void setMethodTitlePosition(Rectangle methodTitlePosition)
      This method sets the position of the methodTitle in the created panel.
      methodTitlePosition - the position of the methodTitle in the created panel
    • setMethodDescriptionPosition

      protected void setMethodDescriptionPosition(Rectangle methodDescriptionPosition)
      This method sets the position of the methodDescription in the created panel.
      methodDescriptionPosition - the position of the methodDescription in the created panel
    • setOkButtonPosition

      protected void setOkButtonPosition(Rectangle okButtonPosition)
      This method sets the position of the Ok button in the created panel.
      okButtonPosition - the position of the Ok button in the created panel
    • setMoreButtonPosition

      protected void setMoreButtonPosition(Rectangle moreButtonPosition)
      This method sets the position of the More button in the created panel.
      moreButtonPosition - the position of the More button in the created panel