Class DiagramPanel.TupleValues

Enclosing class:

public class DiagramPanel.TupleValues extends Object
This java class is used to create a data structure for pair (key, val) in which key and val are Point data type.
  • Constructor Details

    • TupleValues

      public TupleValues(Point key, Point val)
      Constructs and initializes a TupleValues with the specified (key, val).
      key - the key of the newly constructed TupleValues
      val - the val of the newly constructed TupleValues
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public Point getKey()
      Returns the key of this TupleValues in Point data type.
      the key of this TupleValues.
    • getVal

      public Point getVal()
      Returns the val of this TupleValues in Point data type.
      the val of this TupleValues.
    • equalsKey

      public boolean equalsKey(DiagramPanel.TupleValues obj)
      Determines whether or not two TupleValues are equal in their keys. Two instances of TupleValues are equal in their keys if the values of their x and y member fields are the same.
      obj - an object to be compared with this TupleValues
      true if the object to be compared has the same values; false otherwise.
    • get

      Returns the value to which the specified key is saved in the list, or null if this list contains no element for the key.

      More formally, if this list contains a mapping from a key k to a value v, then this method returns v; otherwise it returns null.

      list - the array of TupleValues
      the value to which the specified key is saved in the list, or null if the key is not exist in the list